Our World – All You Need Is Love (2)

A second page of information about The Beatles contribution to “Our World” and about the programme in general.


Gary Critcher

I have just discovered these excellent quality pictures of The Beatles before the “Our World” broadcast.

Might someone know what it is that Paul has in his hand in the first photo (some sort of BBC press release perhaps?)?

Our World - Paul

But wait, what’s that in the background of these last two photos?

Our World - Beatles


Our World Beatles and Scanner

Mike Giles

It could be MCR28. The Bristol unit was certainly involved in some respect with the Beatles for “Our World”

Alec Bray

Unfortunately, the rear end of MCR28 does not match up with the unit shown in the photo.





[Ed: since this page was first published, more information has been provided by David Taylor]

David Taylor

I perhaps wonder if that Pye photo (credited to have come from Richard Ellis) of the complete scanner is MCR28…or perhaps an earlier one.

MCR27 [and MCR28] had the same registration letters – ‘AYH7..’ as are seen in the Abbey Road car park photo and MCR27 and MCR28 were both delivered after the others….and were slightly modified.

Brian Summers is  the definitive source (with Nick Gilbey) of info about these scanners, and I had some correspondence [with him] about the identifiable differences between the OB at Abbey Road and previous photos I had seen.

The photo of MCR27 on the newsletter [of the MCR21 Preservation Trust] [shows]  the repositioned door and a matching (well,  4 digits matching) registration number. So I guess MCR28 had a similar registration number. That makes it either of those in the Abbey Road car park!

The newsletter shows MCR27 (in Scotland after colour conversion)….look at the rear end:

As MCR27 and MCR28 were built to the same spec, it proves that it’s MCR28 from Bristol [Ed: and this is confirmed in the Newsletter].

[Ed: For a comprehensive, minute by minute description of the planning, rehearsal and transmission of the Beatles segment in “Our World” please see David Taylor’s full account HERE ]

Alec Bray

Here is some more information about the “All You Need is Love” segment in “Our World”.  From:

The Beatles Chronicle

A rough PDF of parts of the relevant pages is available, so you can get a flavour of the piece, but the critical part is here:

section of Chronicle

This definitely seems to indicate BBC OB involvement.

Here is the PDF of the relevant pages:

Our World pdf

Gary Critcher

I know Mark Lewisohn, and passed the 3 photos on to him just before I posted them to Tech Ops. He’d seen them before but not in that good quality!

David Brunt, Jeff Booth

Apple made a lot of publicity 20 or so years ago when the footage was computer coloured for The Beatles Anthology documentary series,  most likely colorized from monochrome recordings (maybe VT, more likely Film Recording).

If there was any colour copy, they would have used clips from that.  The first colour VTRs were late 60s. The 1966 colour World Cup pictures would have been film (the World Cup has been shot on film for years).

David Taylor

[From his web page]  .. .however it’s been noted that they got one thing wrong….as the photo … shows, the stools and chairs in Studio 1 were red…not blue!

[page updated: 07 September 2020]