Graeme Wall
All this talk about Wood Norton, here’s a memory:

Dick Blencowe
When I was on TO 21 there was no proper roof on the main building. I understand there had been a fire and the roof was replaced with lead sheets at ceiling level of top floor. The old brickwork of the loft area just stuck like panicles!
Happy days!!
Ted Kent
Living in Warwickshire for many years I often passed the entrance to WN. Occasionally shopping in Evesham, I remembered the fried egg sandwiches they did in the BBC Club. I couldn’t remember exactly where it was.
It was a retirement present of a Balloon Flight that brought another memory. After several failed attempts at different locations, it was always too windy, the new site was given, the field opposite WN where we had much fun including an almost disastrous moment when Ian Tomlin or Geoff Tivers shot an arrow directly upwards. We soon scattered when we realised it was going to land right where were standing!.
Mike Jordan

Very expensive to stay there!
I think this was per week!