Over many years Ron saved a large amount of TV memorabilia. As senior cameraman on crew 7 he worked on a huge number of the major programmes of BBC TV. These are some of the pictures from his archive.

Ron in typical pose on a Heron on Top of the Pops. The tracker is Dave Pattison
Ron died on 22nd August 2009 aged 79. He was a man much respected and much envied by those of us who would have liked to have done the things he did.
He was one the the great men of BBC TV tech ops, and he and his crew were responsible for the pictures and sound of many of the top BBC TV entertainment shows for more than 30 years.
Some appreciative words –
“To me, Ron was a God at my time at TVC and along with my time with Pete Ware on crew 13 I couldn’t have asked for a better start to my life in television.”
” I was on Crew 7 for the latter part of my brief stay with the Beeb when Ron was Senior Cameraman and I still have fond memories of swinging him on the Mole and of being his tracker on TOTP. I suppose I just want to say that, in the over forty years since that time, I’ve never forgotten Ron and in fact have always remembered him as one of the most decent people that I ever met. What a wonderful guy he was. ”
“I have many many fond memories of him. He was a truly great cameraman and a lovely man. ”
“We’ll all miss him – thanks for being such a good colleague Ron.”
“I always had very fond memories of Ron. He was always so cool and calm (he had to be working for Stewart Morris). Was very good to me and my children. ”
“During my years as a studio guitarist in the 50s, 60s and 70s, I had the pleasure of working with Ron on many productions. The most innovative and wearing was, of course, Drumbeat! I remember on one TV show being aware of something looming over my head. Looking up, I saw the business end of the dolly camera with Ron leaning out to whisper in my ear…….
‘If you wouldn’t mind, Vic, could you face more to the left on this number. It would help me a great deal.’ So different from the directions one would get from others involved with a TV show. If he had asked, I would have stood on my head if it helped him.
Ron was a good man, a wonderful cameraman and wonderful to work with. We shall all miss him.” …..that last from Vic Flick, of James Bond theme fame www.vicflick.com
(Click for large on all pics, and there are more pages……)