Some magic sent by Mike Cotton
Here’s an on-going story. Cameraman Doug Watson appeared long ago on the Paul Daniels show in a trick in which his camera disappeared, and recently (2003) it was repeated on Channel 4.
Here’s what happened.

Paul explains about how people think he cheats and uses camera tricks

Pick a camera, any camera…

Doug takes his camera into the box

Goodbye, Doug’s camera.

Picked up by fork lift, camera still cabled and working (bottom left)

abracadabra, or similar – camera picture fails

Box sides open to reveal no camera.

…only a mystified Doug
I was impressed then, and I’m still impressed now. People are rude about Paul Daniels, but he’s a superb illusionist, and I have no idea how he did that one, or the disappearing elephant in the field. Doug says there were no editing tricks, and only one pickup, because he couldn’t get the camera into the box.
So how was it done? I have no idea, but Doug does, and he was never sworn to silence, and never got a repeat fee…