Thursday 20th September 2007 – Lunch at the Coach and Horses again

Peter Fox, John Smith, Ken Major, Stuart Lindley and Roger Bunce. Stuart lives in Berwick-upon-Tweed, so is probably now the record distance holder for these lunches.

A man and his lunch – Paul Kay

Tim Healy and Barry Cobden

Mike Felton

Mary Rider and Dave White

John Howell and John Pilblad

Round the table from left – Doug Coldwell, Roger Bunce, Rod Taylor, Mary Rider, Peter Booth

Roger Francis, Dave White, Bernie Newnham, Roy Adcock

John Pilblad, Alan Machin, Chris Woolf (who popped in from Cornwall), John Howell

Barry Bonner

Alan Machin, John Howell

Graham Maunder, Ian Head

Barry Cobden, Bill Jenkin