Going Live with “Softly,Softly” 1966

Alec Bray

This is a fictionalised account of going live with a fictional episode of “Softly, Softly” in 1966 – 1967.

It is an attempt to portray what it was like – and some of what was involved – for the Technical Operators (and Technical Assistants) – in going live on air with each weekly episode of a multi-camera, theatrical style, live drama like “Softly, Softly”.

Of course, many other groups were involved in creating each episode, and their contribution are fully acknowledged: but this description concentrates on the Tecnical Operators and their part in the production.

The majority of the first two series of “Softly, Softly” were transmitted live (58%): later series were recorded to Videotape at the same time and on the same day as a previous week’s recording was being transmitted “on air”. David Brunt has contributed a full chronology of the first two series showing the live and pre-recorded episodes.

Going Live with “Softly, Softly”

I should like to that those who volunteered to review the early drafts: Barry Bonner, John Howell (Hibou) and Bernie Newnham – and particularly Dudley Darby who did a really thorough review and helped prevent the odd pratfall. However, all mistakes are mine….