First BBC A Course , Going for Gold , Barry Webb and Stan Appel

From John Bennett

“I was on the first ever “A” course (“A1”) in 1970 and I have just one (rather sad but possibly amusing now) photo of 4 of us gathered around an old Pye (Mk?) B&W camera in the TV studio at Evesham.

I passed (we all did as it was the first of a new style course) and spent 1970 to 1975 at TV Centre as a very lowly camera assistant.

L-R: Dave John, Keith Brook, John Bennett and “Nicholson A.”
I wish I could remember his first name, but it was either Alan or Andy (I think) and he was from ILEA. It was taken on site at Wood Norton probably some time in August 1970.”


From Roger Bunce

“This is “Going for Gold”, the pan-European quiz, shot at Elstree 1989 (I think).

The remarkable feature of this series was the size of the studio audience. On one occasion there were so many of them that the warm-up man sat between them!

The photo includes Doug Watson’s crew, production team, cast and contestants. The overall winner of the series was called Attila and came from Transylvania (honestly!) If you search the faces you’ll probably recognise him. He looks the part.”


From Mike Harrison

Barry Webb – Riverside studios – 19 Jan 1961 – “Eric Sykes”

-and Stan Appel about the same period

