Final Footage from Lime Grove

Robin Bunce

In case you haven’t seen this, the final TV footage from Lime Grove:

Steve Rogers

Like to know which of the Lime Grove crews shot that. I was there from 85-jan 90 when I supervised the move to TVC of Breakfast.Great place to work, very many happy memories.

Sara Newman

What happy memories For some reason I ended up doing every Saturday for 6 months on Grandstand. I remember when new smoke/ fire detector s had been fitted and we had been sternly warned about them and just as the results were about to start they went off and we went off air- it turned out the producer had stood directly beneath one smoking his cigar Another time it was hit by lighting, and again we went off air! I knitted a jumper and hemmed a dress sitting on the locked off results camera over those weeks but my admiration goes to the two lovely signwriters who created the racing captions Not only were they quick perfectionists but they were lovely chaps! The rig at one point was involved as everyone wanted their own Toshiba monitor -a sign of status but for some reason they started to give small electric shocks and were deemed dangerous and they were removed Oh happy days!!

Steve Rogers

Ah! the locked of camera on the results caption. I remember doing a Match of the day,heard the opening music woke up to the closing credits !!!

