Exhibition – 6 decades of Dr Who

Rob Miles

There is an exhibition at Riverside Studios until 3 December – free entry – celebrating six decades of Dr Who.

Regeneration at Riverside | Riverside Studios

My dad was a journalist in the Press & Publicity department at the time the Daleks ‘Invaded Earth’ and took me to Westminster Bridge to see the shoot. He persuaded a news photographer to take the attached picture.

Peter Fox

And a Blue Peter badge too! It’s good to have connections.

I did have the dubious pleasure of camera operating in R1 on a Bill Hartnell Dr Who, with  ´Enders Julia Smith directing. A box ticked in my first year! Neither of them are on my time-travel bucket list.

David Brunt 

That’s ‘The Smugglers’, Hartnell’s penultimate story,

lots of filming in Cornwall, a rollocking old pirate story.

Almost all missing now, but strong rumours that’s going to get the

animation treatment soon with the original surviving soundtrack.

Pat Heigham

Dr. Who Riverside – I think that episode could be one that I sound mixed whilst training for Supervisor.
Under Gordon Mackie’s watchful eye!
Next to the studios there was a scrapmetal yard – was that where old Daleks went to die?
The story I heard that after the first Dalek episodes, the gadget was given to a local Dr. Barnados home,
for the kids to play with. Then they took off in popularity and they had to ask for it back!

I got a Blue Peter badge for mixing a show in LG (may have been ‘E’?).
On the face of it, seems like an easy show – far from it! Apart from the multiple presenters in the studio,
there could be Ampex Items, TK inserts,maybe musicians as well – could get quite hairy for sound!

David Brunt

Two of the first four Daleks were donated to Barnardos. The BBC borrowed them back for their second story (and had to renovate the already knackered props).

