Chris Glass, Crew 7 Christmas 1969 and Green CSO

Always well know for his sartorial elegance, Chris Glass – left, in typical pose – received this memo (quite) a few years ago.

From: A.J Porter, Engineering Establishment Department 203 Union House
PABX 4143/4 TC 31st July 1962
To: J.C.C. Glass, Technical Operations
I am pleased to inform you that you have passed the examination at the end of the T.O Course you recently attended. However, the School also makes comments about your appearance and whilst it is up to you whether or not you alter your hairstyle, you should take particular note of Mr Poole’s recent comments to you in regard to your general appearance.


Crew 7 Christmas card, around 1969

Crew 9 with their cable guards up – early ’70’s perhaps?

Bill Jenkin / Martin Dilly


You’ll need to ask Chris Glass about this one…

