Ian Ridley
Very sorry to hear of the passing of Brian. I was on his crew it may have been 19 ( not sure ) at the time – it would have been the late 60’s when we did “The Young Generation show” with Stuart Morris in the Television Theatre. It was a thirteen week run of Fridays and Saturdays. I was number 3 cameraman then on a pedestal camera in the middle of the stage. It was a very busy camera being in this case on the centre line. I remember rushing about all over the stage under Brian who was on the Mole Crane swooping above my head. Very exiting – we never did hit each other during the whole series. Lively and exciting days.
For us oldies those were the great days of Television.
Geoff Fletcher
Very sorry that Brian has left us. He was No.2 on Ken Major’s Crew16 when I was DO1. We did a lot of Pugwash episodes at one time and with his beard Ken christened him Black Jake – a name that stuck until i left the crew some months later. He bore it very well. A lovely bloke to work with and know as a friend.
Peter Hider
I was also on Ken’s Crew with Brian. A really great person to work with. He always got on so well with Ken

and as well as being a terrific cameraman, he was very knowledgeable on a lot of subjects. Such a sad loss.