BBC Abbreviations, Initials and Jargon

BBC Tech Ops Abbreviations

The BBC historically was (and maybe still is) known for its abbreviations and acronyms,
hundreds of them!

Whether EIEIO was apocryphal or not we don’t know, but gathered together here are a large number of definitely real ones.

ACGAS, HIGNFY and SROTY are perhaps familiar – the latter on the labels of 2″ tapes filling trolleys around the TC basement at each year’s end for a long time.

But what about COOBE or CHAR or SODS?

Here they all are gatherhered all together… a collection of all the known abbreviations, initials and jargon which are contained in and used in the posts and pages which make up the BBC Tech Ops website.

This lists Abbreviations known to date    02.03.2024

Please scroll down to see the complete list of entries



1 Camera 1   Scripts
1/2 Blue Half blue, a lighting gel to increase the CT of light, roughly 1/2 that of full blue (CTB)   Technical
1/2 Orange Half orange, lighting gel to decrease the CT roughly 1/2 that of full orange (CTO)   Technical
1/4 Blue Quarter blue, lighting gel to increase CT by roughly 1/4 of full blue   Technical
1/4 Orange Quarter orange, lighting gel to decrease CT roughly 1/4 full orange   Technical


2 Camera 2   Scripts
2-WIRE Single bi-directional communication circuit
2\, 4\, 6/s Stepped wooden block(s) to put under props etc. to raise them 2\, 4 or 6 inches   Scripts
2S Two Shot (two people or two items in the shot)
(example 2S Dalek and K9)


3 Camera 3   Scripts
3S Three Shot (three people or three items in the shot)   Scripts


4 Camera 4   Scripts
4033 Robust STC Cardiod microphone consisting of both a moving coil and ribbon microphone capable of working together or independently
4-WIRE Go and return communication circuits


5 Camera 5   Scripts


6 Camera 6   Scripts


A Alexandra Palace (News) Studio A   Studios
A Presentation Studio A (TVC)   Studios
A Note above middle C to which an orchestra traditionally tunes   Misc
A leg The left-hand signal of a stereo circuit or programme   Technical
A/B As Before   Scripts
AB Aberdeen   Places
AB Aberdeen   Transmitter
ABER Aberdeen   Places
ABS Association of Broadcasting Staff
AC Alternating Current   Technical

ACCESS A commercial studio communications system
Ad lib In stage, screen and broadcast, this means unscripted dialogue added by an actor or performer on the spur of the moment
ACTT Association of Cinematograph Television and Allied Technicians
AGC Automatic Gain Control   Technical
ACGAS All Creatures Great and Small   Progs
ADFI Another DFI (this and DFI were usually verbal amongst crew)   Scripts
ADR Automated Dialogue Replacement   Technical
AFM Assistant Floor Manager   People
AFL After Fade Listen
AFP Axial Front Projection   Technical

AH Aldenham House   Places
AI Appreciation Index   Technical
AIDA Angenieux Image Diffusing Attachment   Technical
Aims Minim A system at BBC TVC and TVT. Studio SPL was measured and if it exceeded a threshold, power was cut to the PA and amps   Technical
AM Amplitude Modulation   Technical
AMA Auxilliary Mixing Area, formerly The TVC Music Studio   Studios
AMPEX Early generic name for VT
AP Assistant Producer   People
AP Alexandra Palace   Studios
AP Shift Week 1 – Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
Week 2 – Monday, Wednesday

apple and biscuit The STC 4021 omnidirectional microphone, so called because of its shape.   Technical
ARSE Action Replay Symbol Equipment   Technical
ARSE Automatic Receiver Selection Equipment
ASAP As Soon As Possible   Scripts
ASM Assistant Stage Manager   People
ATA Audio and Telecommunications Area
Atmos ‘atmosphere’- continuous sound that matches a situation
ATOM Assistant Technical Operations Manager (BH Control Room)   People
Avocet Panning Head (Vinten)
AXBT Ticonal magnet ribbon microphone dating from 1944



B Alexandra Palace (News) Studio B (195 square meters)   Studios
B Presentation Studio B (TVC)   Studios
B leg The right-hand signal of a stereo circuit or programme   Technical
B-Y Blue minus Luminance   Technical
B/G Background   Scripts
B/W Black and White   Technical
BAR Bartley   Misc
BB Black Balance
BCU Big Close Up
BCQ Ballachulish   BBC Transmitter

BE Belfast   Places
BECTU Broadcasting, Entertainment, Cinematograph and Theatre Union
Best of Both Best of Both Worlds
BETA Broadcasting and Entertainment Trades Alliance   Misc
BG Bangor   Places
BGD Burghead   BBC Transmitter
BH Broadcasting House
BISQUE One of two days a year holiday that could be taken without giving a reason   Misc
Black level clamp Black and white analogue television – in receivers and monitors, a fixed DC level is set (at the pedestal level) for black in a picture signal at the beginning of each scanning line   Technical
BLINK BBC Local Information NetworK

Blocking The first part of camera rehearsal
Block shots The first part of camera rehearsal
BM Birmingham   Places
BNC Bayonet Neill-Concelman connector – a bayonet-type quick connector
BNC Blimped version of the Mitchell NC (News Camera)
BNT Barnstable   BBC Transmitter
BOF-phone BOF-phone – Frank Bough phone
BOG Board of Governors   People
BOM Board of Management   People
BP Brookmans Park   BBC Transmitter

BP Back Projection   Technical
BP Blue Peter   Progs
BR/S Brighton Local Radio Studio   Places
BR/T Brighton Transmitter   BBC Transmitter
BRQ Bandwidth request   Technical
BRTB Boom Reverse Talkback
BRW Barrow   BBC Transmitter
BS Bristol   Places
BTH Bournemouth   BBC Transmitter
BU Bush House   Places

BUSH Bush House   Places
BX Bexhill   BBC Transmitter
BY Blaen-Plwyf   BBC Transmitter


C Centre Stage   Scripts
C/A Cutaway   Scripts
CA Camera Assistant (SODS)   People
CAB Central Area Bookings
Cam Cameraman class I   Misc
Cam Cameraman class II   Misc
camera tape White self-adhesive 1 inch wide relatively loosely-woven fabric-based tape
Cans Headphones   Technical
CAR Central Apparatus Room   Places
CAT Caption Addition Trolley   Technical

CAU Circuit Allocation Unit
CAV Caversham   Places
CAVER Caversham   Places
CB Colour Balance   Technical
CC Comms Centre
CCD Charge-Coupled Device   Technical
CCR Central Control Room   Technical
CCR Colour Control Room   Technical
CCU Camera Control Unit   Technical
CF Clean Feed

CF Cardiff   Places
CFTB Clean Feed Talkback
CFX Clean Effects
CG Computer Generated or Computer Graphics   Technical
CGI Computer Generated Image   Technical
CHA/LS Chatham Local Radio Studio   Places
CHAR Camera Head Attachment – Rocking
CiN Children In Need   Progs
CL Clevedon   BBC Transmitter
CL Single bi-directional communication circuit

CLAP Camera Low Angle Platform (in Manchester)   Mountings
CLUG Colour Line-Up Girl(s)   People
CM Cameraman
CM College Mews
CMCCR Colour Mobile Central Control Room
CMCR Colour Mobile Control Room   Technical
CMS Close Mid Shot   Scripts
CNR Control line with No Ringers
COMMAG Film with COMbined MAGnetic sound track   Technical
Comms Communication Lines   Technical

COMOPT Film with COMbined OPTical track   Technical
CONF Conferenced circuit
COOBE Commentator Operated Outside Broadcast Equipment
COOBE Commentators Outside Broadcast Equipment   Technical
COORD Coordination circuit
cord Studio sound cable   Technical
Cormorant Panning Head (Vinten). A bigger version of the Avoicet
CORPSE Complex Operations Remote Phase Surveillance Equipment   Technical
Corpse To break down with laughter while acting on transmission   Scripts
COX ROD Monopod support for fishing rods   Technical

CP Crystal Palace   BBC Transmitter
CR Concorde Road
CPS Emitron Cathode Potential Stabilised Emitron Pickup Tube / Camera   Technical
CPU Camera Projection Unit   Technical
CR Cromer   BBC Ttansmitter
CRAB Camera (on mount) moves sideways   Scripts
Crane Camera dolly with a jib to raise or lower the camera and camera operator
CRANE UP/DOWN Camera raised up or lowered down   Scripts
CRE Colour Roving Eye
Creeper Dexion-framed fixed pan-head height low angle dolly   Mountings

crew down All crew members assigned a more difficult job than their usual role
crib card List of shots for a specific (studio) camera with space for camera operator notes
CRT Cathode Ray Tube   Technical
CS Close Shot   Scripts
CS Camera Supervisor   People
CSO Colour Separation Overlay   Technical
CT Colour Temperature   Technical
CTB Colour Temperature Blue (also known as Full Blue)
CTO Colour Temperature Orange (also known as Full Orange, although this term israrely used)
CTB Camera Talkback (from cameras to Director)   Technical

CTR Communications Test Room
CTR Central Tape Room (Bush House)
CU Close Up
Cue An instruction to start   Scripts
cue light Red light mounted usually on top at the front of a camera, with repeater lights in viewfinder, to show that the camera is selected for transmission through the vision mixing desk
cue light A free-standing bulb (usually green) mounted on a suitable stand, used to cue a presenter or performer   Technical
CUFT Considered Unfit For Transmission
CUM Cumulative Duration
CVAR Combined Vision Apparatus Room
CW Camera Woman

cyc Cyclorama
Cygnet Panning Head (PH) (Vinten)   Mountings


D Studio D Lime Grove (500 square metres)   Studios
DAC Direct Acoustic Coupling
DART Director’s Automatic Reverse Talkback
DC Direct Current   Technical
DDFAP    xx
DE Dundee   BBC Transmitter
DEI Droitwich   BBC Transmitter
derig (Studios) Disconnect all studio equipment, stow booms, cameras, cables and cranes neatly in the Studio Technical Store, return other equipment to Stores   Technical
DEL Direct Exchange Line
DFI Director’s Final Instruction

DG Director General   People
DG Douglas (Isle of Man)   BBC Transmitter
DI Direct Injection
DIDDLE Drawmer Intermediate Drake Ducking at the Local End
Ditty Box Box of bits
DIV Divis (Northern Ireland)   BBC Transmitter
Dixon Dixon of Dock Green   Progs
DMI Digital Media Initiative
DO Dolly Operator   People
DO1 Dolly Operator 1   People

DO2 Dolly Operator 2   People
doc Documentary   Scripts
doco Documentary   Scripts
DODDLE Drawmer Operated Drake Ducking at the Local End
DOG Digitally Originated Graphics   Technical
DOG Digital On-Screen Graphic
DOIL Day Off In Lieu (of working a Bank Holiday)   Misc
Dolly Camera mounting allowing camera and camera person to move forward and back (and, in TV studios, sideways), needing a second operator to move the assembly
Dolly Op 1 Dolly Operator 1   People
Dolly Op 2 Dolly Operator 2   People

Dolphin Jib Arm (JA) (Vinten)   Mountings
DOOS Day Off On Site
DoP Director of Photography   People
double-ender A cord with two PO jacks at each end for use on a jack field   Technical
double-ender (reversing) A cord with two PO jacks at each end, but with ring on one end connect to the tip at the other
DR Dover   BBC Transmitter
DR Dispatch Rider   People
Dress rehearsal The final continuous run through of the complete script or programme
Dress run The final continuous run through of the complete script or programme
Dry To forget lines   Scripts

DS Down Stage   Scripts
DS Durris (Scotland)   BBC Transmitter
DSIS Dual Sound in Syncs   Technical
DSS Deputy Sound Supervisor   People
DTMF Dual Tone Multi Frequency   Technical
DTT Digital Terrestrial Television   Technical
Dunlin Vinten Panning Head   Mountings
Dupe Duplicate negative   Technical
DUR Duration (that is, the timing of a specific item.)   Scripts
DUR/LS Durham Local Radio Studio   Places

DWS Designer will select   Scripts
DX Daventry
BBC Transmitter
DY/LS Derby Local Radio Studio   Places


E Studio E Lime Grove (446 square metres)   Studios
EA Eastbourne   BBC Transmitter
EBCU Extra Big Close Up
ECM Electret Condenser Mic
EDIN Edinburgh   Places
EDP Extra Duty Pay
EE Eastenders   Progs
EETPU Electrical, Electronic, Telecommunications and Plumbers Union   Misc
EFP Electronic Field Production   Technical
EH Edinburgh   Places

EH/T Edinburgh Transmitter   BBC Transmitter
ELA Studio A Elstree (515 square metres)   Studios
ELB Studio B Elstree (515 square metres)   Studios
ELC Studio C Elstree (605 square metres)   Studios
ELD Studio D Elstree (836 square metres)   Studios
ELE Studio E Elstree (84 square metres)
ELS Extreme long shot   Scripts
ELSTG1 Elstree Stage 1 (879 square metres)   Studios
EM Engineering Manager   People
EM1 Engineering Manager 1   People

EM2 Engineering Manager 2   People
EMX Engineering Manual Exchange   Technical
ENG Electronic News Gathering   Technical
ENPS Electronic News Production System   Technical
EQ Equalisation   Technical
EQUITY The trade union for actors, stage managers and models in the United Kingdom   Misc
ER Edit Room   Places
ERR Extra Responsibility Reward   Misc
ET Eagle Tower
ET East Tower

ETD Engineering Training Department
EV Evesham (Wood Norton)
EX Exeter   BBC Transmitter
EX Exeter   Places
Ext Exterior   Scripts


F Scene Store F Lime Grove   Studios
F/G Foreground   Scripts
F&E The manufacturer \’Films & Equipment\’   Technical
FA Floor Assistant   People
FAC Facilities Allocation Centre (TV Centre)   Misc
FAC(s) Facility/Facilites   Misc
Falcon An OB Dolly (tubular construction) with hand operated crane switch (Vinten)
FAP Front Axial Projection   Technical
FAV Favouring
FB Foldback

FB Feedback
FCV Foreign Commentary Vehicle   Technical
FG Foreground   Scripts
FIT Fitful Head (Shetlands)   BBC Transmitter
FK Falkirk BBC Studio   Places
FK/T Falkirk Transmitter   BBC Transmitter
flat A two-dimensional wooden framework covered on one side with stretched canvas, painted or wallpapered
floor mark Mark made with a wax crayon on studio floor to set camera position
FLS Full Long Shot   Scripts
FM Frequency Modulation   Technical

FM Floor Manager   People
FRM Fareham   BBC Transmitter
FMRTB Floor Manager’s Reverse Talkback   Technical
FO Fade out   Scripts
FOUR-WIRE Go and return communication circuits   Technical
FPPA Film Post Production Area (used in TK)   Technical
French flag Attachment to a lantern to give greater control of lit area   Technical
FS Full Shot   Scripts
FST Fairseat
FTR Facilities Test Room

Fulmar Camera studio pedestal (ped) (Vinten)   Mountings
FW Fort William   BBC Transmitter
FWD Forward   Scripts
FX Effects (specifically sound effects)   Technical
FX Effects   Scripts


G Studio G Lime Grove (558 square metres)   Studios
GAZE Ganged Angenieux Zoom Equipment   Technical
Genlock Destination locks sync pulses to source
Gennie Generator   Technical
GFX Graphics Effects (On-Screen, area or person)   Technical
GG Golder’s Green Hippodrome   Places
GGH Golder’s Green Hippodrome   Places
Git Guitar   People
gnat’s A hypothetical small unit of adjustment, irrespective of type of control eg \tweak it up a gnat’s\ (from gnat\’s whisker)   Technical
GNS General News Service

Gobo Attachment to a lantern to give greater control of lit area   Technical
goose neck A long, slender, flexible metal mounting for a microphone   Technical
GQT Gardeners Question Time (Radio)   Progs
Grad Graduated (and/or Graduated filter) e.g. ND grad
Gram Op Gramophone Operator (Tape decks, turntables, SFX in general)   People
Grips person responsible for operating heavy camera equipment   People
GS Group Shot   Scripts
Gt Guitar   People
GTR General Test Room
GTS Greenwich Time Signal, the pips

GV General View   Scripts
GW Glasgow   Places
GW/T Glasgow Transmitter   BBC Transmitter
GWT Greenwood Theatre   Studios
GY Gurnsey
BBC Transmitter
G-Y Green minus Luminance   Technical


H Studio H Lime Grove (Colour) (260 square metres)
H Cat Head of Catering   People
H.Tel. Sound Head of Televison Sound   People
H/H Handheld   Scripts
H/L High Level sound circuit for use at Zero Level
HA High Angle   Scripts
HAV Haverford West   BBC Transmitter
Hawk Camera pedestal (ped) (Vinten)   Mountings
HAWS High Angle Wide Shot   Scripts
HDTV High Definition Television   Technical

Hercules Chapman hired-in Camera crane for extra high shots   Mountings
Heron Camera dolly capable of crabbing and tracking, on hydraulic reservoir or electric power (Vinten)   Mountings
Hexiplexer Allowed more than one VT to be fed to a studio on a single source/line   Technical
HF High Frequency   Technical
Hi Hat A round metal collar to place under the panning head to raise the height of the camera
HIGNFY Have I Got News For You
HL \Handy Looky\ prefix of Ikegami hand held cameras e.g. HL79   Technical
HM Holme Moss   BBC Transmitter
HMI Osram brand name Hydrargyrum (Latin for mercury) Metallic (poss Medium arc) Iodide   Technical
Hot Line Exclusive Control Line between two points

HP Hydraulic Ped   Mountings
HPPO (known as HIPPO) Head of Post Production Operations   People
HS Hastings   BBC Transmitter
HTOTelS Head of Technical Operations, Television Studios   People
HU/LS Hull Places   Places
Hz Hertz – Unit of frequency   Technical


IBS Institute of Broadcast Sound   Misc
ICR International Control Room   Places
IFB Interrupted Feedback
Ike (pronounced \ikky\) Ikegami
Int Interior   Scripts
IO Image Orthicon Pickup Tube (Camera)   Technical
ips Inches per second (eg tape recording speed)   Technical
IPS Institute of Professional Sound
IS International Sound
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network   Technical

ITV Until Feb 2004, an unbrella term for the various regional independent TV Companies under the aegis of the Independent Television Authority (later the Inedependent Broadcasting Authority)   Misc
ITV Since Feb 2004, Independent Televion (plc) following the merger of Carlton and Granada   Misc
ITS Insertion Test Signal   Technical
IV In Vision   Scripts
IV Interview   Scripts
I/V Interview


J lens Close focus lens for an EMI 2001 Colour Camera   Technical
JA Jib arm – (counterbalanced) arm with remote camera on one end, mounted on dolly or ped
Jack The socket on a jack field into which is plugged the Jack plug   Technical
Jack plug Cylindrical bodied \male\ connector for analogue signals, typically audio
Jack field A bay of jacks (jack sockets) for routing sound feeds   Technical
Jack socket Cylindrical bodied \female\ connector for analogue signals, accepting the jack plug
JAN head Joint Army Navy optical scan head on 16mm projectors at AP   Technical
Jib Moveable arm of a camera crane   Technical
Jib arm (counterbalanced) arm with remote camera on one end, mounted on dolly or ped
JY Jersey   BBC Transmitter



K lens Close focus lens for an EMI 2001 Colour Camera   Technical
KA Kendal Avenue
K Kelvin, colour temperature of a light source
Kestrel OB dolly (box section) (Vinten)
KOS Kirk O Shotts (alternative)   BBC Transmitter
KS Kirk O Shotts   BBC Transmitter
KW Kingswood Warren   Places


L/L Low level sound circuit suitable for Mic level signals
LA Low Angle   Scripts
ladder Long Floor mark in direction of track with spaced markers at right angles
LAWS Low Angle Wide Shot   Scripts
LBH Broadcasting House London   Places
LC1 Location Camera 1 (OBs Kendal Avenue)   Technical
LCD Liquid Crystal Display   Technical
LCR London Control Room
LD Londonderry Studio   Studios
LD Lighting Director   People

LD/T Londonderry Transmitter   BBC Transmitter
Ld Gt Lead Guitar   People
Ld Voc Lead Vocalist   People
LE Light Entertainment   Progs
LE Leicester   BBC Transmitter
LEI/LS Leicester Places   Places
Lead Parrot Shoulder mounted hand held camera   Technical
LED Light Emitting Diode   Technical
LF Low Frequency   Technical
LG Lime Grove   Studios

LGS Lime Grove Studios (more correct usage)   Studios
LHS Left Hand Side   Scripts
Lip Close talking Microphone that excludes ambient noise   Technical
LIS Lisnagarvey   BBC Transmitter
LLA Llandonna   BBC Transmitter
LLG Llangollen   BBC Transmitter
LMCR Lightweight Mobile Control Room   Technical
LMS Loose Mid Shot   Scripts
LN London   Places

LNE Laboratoire National (de Metrologie et) d’Essais   Technical
LNLU Late Night Line Up   Progs
LO/LS London Local Radio (Hanover Square)   Places
LO1 London 1 OB Scanner
LO2 London 2 OB Scanner
LO21 OB Unit   Technical
LO22 OB Unit   Technical
LO3 OB Unit   Technical
LO4 OB Unit   Technical
LO5 OB Unit   Technical

LO6 OB Unit (Scotland)   Technical
Loc Location   Scripts
LOCO LOndon COaxial – cable network connecting all BBC premises and plug-in points   Technical
LOF Left of Frame   Scripts
LOTSW Last of the Summer Wine   Progs
LRTB Lighting Reverse Talkback
LS Long Shot   Scripts
LS Loudspeaker   Technical
LS Leeds   Places
LS/LS Leeds Local Radio   Places

LSH 1 London Simon Hoist
LSTB Loudspeaker Talkback
LTB Lighting Talkback
LTG Lighting   Technical
LV Luncheon Voucher   Misc
LV/LS Liverpool Local Station   Places
LVCR Lighting and Vision Control Room   Places
l/w Lightweight   Technical


M&E Music and Effects
M&S Mid & Side, Sum & Difference
MB Matte Box   Technical
MCA Mobile Communications Area
MCCR Mobile Central Control Room
MCF Main Clean Feed
MCR Mobile Control Room   Technical
MCSS Multi-Coloured Swap Shop   Progs
MCU Medium Close Up
MD Musical Director   People

ME Moorside Edge   BBC Transmitter
MEL Meldrum   BBC Transmitter
Merlin Jib Arm (JA) (Vinten)   Mountings
MF Mid Frequency   Technical
MG Manningtree   BBC Transmitter
MI/LS Middlesborough Local Station   Places
mic Microphone   Technical
MICR Mobile International Control Room
MILEM Multi-Image Lens EMI Mounting   Technical
MISC I/P Miscellaneous Input

Mix minus American term for a Clean Feed   Technical
MLM Emley Moor   BBC Transmitter
MLS Mid or Medium Long Shot   Scripts
Mole Mole Richardson Camera Crane (or MPRC Crane)   Mountings
MOTD Match of the Day   Progs
Motor boating Noise produced by faulty electret mic   Technical
Motorised A studio-based Vinten crane with a motor for jib elevation and rear wheel steering, each rear wheel powered by its own motor
MPRC Motion Picture Research Council   Technical
MPRC Motion Picture Research Council Mole Richardson Camera Crane
MR Manchester   Places

MR/LS Manchester Local Station   Places
MS Mid-Shot or Medium Shot
MSC Mobile Sound Control
MTCE Maintenance (general term)   Technical
MU Musicians’ Union   Misc
mux Multiplexer
MV Motorised Vinten
MV Move (usually left or right, but possibly upstage or downstage)   Scripts
MV Motor Vehicle   Misc
MVT Mobile Video Tape Recorder   Technical

MVTR Mobile Video Tape Recorder   Technical
MWW Multi Way Working


N&CA News and Current Affairs   Progs
N1 News Studio 1 (TVC)
N2 News Studio 2 (TVC)
N3 News Studio 3 (TVC)   Studios
N4 News Studio 4 (TVC)   Studios
N5 News Studio 5 (TVC)   Studios
N6 News Studio 6 (TVC)   Studios
N8 News Studio 8 (TVC)   Studios
N9 News Studio 9 (TVC)   Studios
N10 News Studio 10 (TVC)   Studios

N/A Narrow Angle   Scripts
N/A Not Applicable   Scripts
NATKE National Association of Theatrical and Kine Employees   Misc
NBG No Bloody Good   Scripts
NBH New Broadcasting House   Places
NC Norwich   Places
NC1 Network Control 1 (BBC 1)   Places
NC2 Network Control 2 (BBC 2)   Places
NCA News and Current Affairs (same as N&CA)   Progs
NCR1 Network Control 1 (BBC 1)   Places

NCR2 Network Control 2 (BBC 2)   Places
ND Neutral Density (filter)   Technical
ND Network Director   People
NFG (verbal) No F****** Good
NG No Good   Scripts
NHT North Hessary Tor   BBC Transmitter
NICAM Near Instantaneous Companded Audio Multiplex (stereo)   Technical
NICE Non In Coming Early
Nike Chapman Nike Camera Crane
NOBA Not Only … But Also   Progs

NOT/LS Nottingham Local Station   Places
NSN Norman Shaw North
NSMAPMAWOL Not So Much A Program, More A Way Of Life   Progs
NT Newcastle   Places
NT/LS Newcastle Local Station   Places
NTA News Transmission Assistant   People
NTSC National Television System Committee   Technical
NUJ National Union of Journalists   Misc


O/N Overnight   Misc
O/P Opposite Prompt   Scripts
O/R Outside Rehearsal   Scripts
O/S Over Shoulder   Scripts
O/S On Site (usually O/S time)   Misc
OB Outside Broadcast   Scripts
Octopus UK version of the Elemack Spyder, a single column dolly with adjustable wheels
OF/LS Oxford Local Station   Places
OGWT Old Grey Whistle Test   Progs
ON X Camera X on shot at start of page of script   Scripts

OOV Out Of Vision   Scripts
Op Operator (eg Boom Op)   People
OS Outside Source
Osprey Camera pedestal (ped) (Vinten)   Mountings
OT Ottringham (Near Hull)
BBC Transmitter
OTT Over the Top   Scripts
OU Open University   Scripts


P Studio P Lime Grove (52 square metres)
P&ID Planning and Installation Department   Places
P as B Programme as Broadcast
P as C Programme as Completed   Scripts
P as R Programme as Recorded   Scripts
PA Production Assistant – Producer’s Assistant   People
PA Public Address
PABX Private Automatic Branch Exchange   Technical
PAL Phase Alternate Line   Technical
PAN Move the camera Right to Left (or Left to Right) around a vertical axis

Pan Down Move camera view downwards on shot
Pan Left Move camera view leftwards on shot
Pan Right Move camera view rightwards on shot
Pan Up Move camera view upwards on shot
Patch To connect a studio resource to the appropriate electronic apparatus (eg CCU, VM desk, amps, sound desk)   Technical
Pathfinder Camera dolly   Mountings
PBE Play it By Ear
PBU Photo BlowUp
PBX Private Branch Exchange   Technical
PCM Pulse Code Modulation   Technical

PCR Production Control Room   Places
PDQ Pretty Damn Quick   Scripts
ped Pedestal
Ped down Crane down on a studio ped column   Scripts
Ped up Crane up on a studio ped column   Scripts
Pedestal A one-man operated camera mounting (see ped)   Mountings
Pedestal Black and white analogue television – The difference between black level and the top of the synch pulse (which was set at +0.3 v)   Technical
PEG Programme Effects Generator   Technical
PEL Programme Effects Loudspeaker
Penguin Camera Dolly (on tracks) (Vinten)   Mountings

Peregrine Crabbing/tracking/rotating jib arm/crane/dolly (Vinten)
Petrel Panning Head (PH) (Vinten)   Mountings
PFV Production Facilities Vehicle   OBs Kendal Avenue
PG 65 Power Generator
PH Panning Head   Mountings
PK Postwick   BBC Transmitter
Plover OB Camera pedestal (Vinten)
PLUGE Picture Lineup Generating Equipment
PM Production Manager   People
PNV Permanent Network Vision

portable Equipment which in theory could be carried
PO Post Office
PO jack A 1/4 inch jack plug universally used for plugging in jackfields
POV Point of View   Scripts
POV Points of View   Progs
PP Pontop Pike   BBC Transmitter
PPB Party Political Broadcast   Scripts
PPE Practical Production Excercise
PPL Portland Place TV News studio (in BH)   Studios
PPM Peak Programme Meter   Technical

PR Preston   BBC Transmitter
Prac Practical – a functioning prop or part of the set
practical A functioning prop or part of the set which worked more or less as the real thing
Pres A Presentation Studio/Suite A   Studios
Pres B Presentation Studio/Suite B   Studios
Proctor Camera dolly   Mountings
PROF Profile (used sometimes)   Scripts
PROMS Promotions   Progs
prompt cut A push button on a trailing lead, operated by the FM or AFM, to allow a prompt to be delivered.
PRS Performing Rights Society   Misc

PSC Portable Single Camera   Technical
PSM Programme Services Manager   People
PTA Powered Transmitter Aerial
PTB Peterborough   BBC Transmitter
PTB Production Talkback   Technical
PTC Paper Tape Control (TK)   Technical
PTC Piece to Camera   Scripts
PTC Programmed Tarif Controller   Technical
Puffin Vinten in-house name for the portable stirrup-type pump   Technical
PUM Production Unit Manager

PUMA Periscope Upper Mirror Attachment
PY Plymouth   Places
PZM Pressure Zone Microphone   Technical


Q Cue   Scripts
QT Quiet   Scripts


R Sound Studio in Lime Grove   Studios
R Riverside   Studios
R1 Riverside Studio 1 (558 square metres)   Studios
R2 Riverside Studio 2 (418 square metres)   Studios
R3 \The Chancellors\ Public House   Studios
RACE Rapid Action Cutting Equipment   Technical
Rack To adjust framing on a film projector eg \Rack up\ or \Rack down\   Technical
Rack To change focal point on a camera eg \Rack in\ or \Rack out\   Technical
Racks Studio Engineering and Studio Engineers (lived in the VAR)   People
R&D Research and Development (Department)

RAR Recording Apparatus Room   Places
Raven Vinten pedestal   Mountings
RBL Rebroadcast Link   Technical
RBM Roll Back and Mix
RCA Radio Corporation of America   Technical
RC Reverse Circuit   Technical
RE1 Roving Eye 1 – OBs Kendal Avenue   Technical
REH Rehearsal   Scripts
Rel Relief (i.e. crew relief)   People
Relief Relief (Mainly cameras)   People

Relief Relief (Mainly sound)   People
Rem Remote (for example location or camera)   Scripts
REST I/P Rest Input
RF Radio Frequency   Technical
RFI Radio Frequency Interference   Technical
RGB Red Green Blue   Technical
RHS Right Hand Side   Scripts
rig (Studios) Set up and prepare all sound and vision equipmenrt ready for rehearsal
RIV Riverside Studios   Studios
RK Rosemarkie   BBC Transmitter

RL1 Radio Link 1
RL2 Radio Link 2
RM Radio Mic   Technical
RMG Ramsgate   BBC Transmitter
RMP Rampisham
BBC Transmitter
ROF Right of Frame   Scripts
ROW Rowridge   BBC Transmitter
RQ Request   Technical
RR Redruth
RRS Riverside Music Studio   Studios

RSA Response Selection Amplifier   Technical
RT Radio Times   Misc
RT Reverberation Time   Technical
RTB Reverse Talkback   Technical
RTB Radio Talkback   Technical
Ruffler Unofficial term (used amongst OB crew members) for booking a hotel/b&b room without staying in it in order to claim O/N allowance (Sched A)
Run through A complete run of a blocked and/or rehearsed programme, or scene, hopefully without stopping
RV Rendezvous   Scripts
RX Recording   Scripts
RX Receiver (telephone, radio, television)   Technical

RXR Receiver   Technical


S. Tel. E. Senior Televison Engineer   People
SA Sound Assistant (General)   People
SA1 Sound Assistant 1   People
SA2 Sound Assistant 2   People
S B Simultaneous Broadcast (Programme distribution system)   Technical
SABRE Self Actuated Broadcast Reporting Equipment
SAG Studio Allocations Group
SAR Sound Apparatus Room   Places
Scanner Mobile Control Room
SCAR Spur Central Apparatus Room

SCAR Sutton Coldfield   BBC Transmitter
SCB Scarborough   BBC Transmitter
SCD Sound Control Desk   Technical
SCD Strictly Come Dancing
SceneSync Pan and Tilt of a background camera is driven by that of the foreground camera   Technical
Sched A Schedule A, the term for the allowance you could claim for staying overnight
SCR Sound Control Room   Places
SCU Single Channel Unit   Technical
SCU Semi Close Up (Director specific!)   Scripts
SDI Serial Digital Interface   Technical

SDR Sound De-Rig (time)   Misc
SECAM Séquentiel Couleur à Mémoire
Sepmag Film with sound on a separate magnetic track   Technical
Sen Cam Senior Cameraman   People
set One or more ‘flats’ assembled to resemble a room or other space within which the actors perform   Scripts
shot card List of shots and shot descriptions in numeric order for a specific (studio) camera with space for camera operator notes   Scripts
SF Sheffield   BBC Transmitter
SF Soft Focus   Scripts
SF/LS Sheffield Local Station   Places
SFX Sound Effects   Scripts

SFX Special Effects   Scripts
SG Stagshaw   BBC Transmitter
SGT Swingate   BBC Transmitter
SHF Super High Frequency   Technical
S/I Superimpose   Technical
SI Standing Instruction   Misc
SIS Sound in Syncs   Technical
Sis Sound In Syncs   Technical
SK Skelton
BBC Transmitter
SL Sandale   BBC Transmitter

S/N Signal to Noise Ratio   Technical
SNATM Saturday Night at the Movies   Progs
SND Sound   Technical
SNS Special News Service
SO Southampton   Places
SO/LS Southampton Local Station   Places
SODS Studio Operations Duty Schedule   Misc
SOF Sound on film   Technical
SOOBE Self Operated Outside Broadcast Equipment   Technical
SOT Sound on Tape   Technical

SOTC Sound on telecine   Technical
SOTK Sound on telecine (BBC)   Technical
SOTON Southampton   Places
SOVT Sound on VT   Technical
SP Start Point   BBC Transmitter
SPG Sync Pulse Generator   Technical
SPID Studio Planning and Installation Department   Misc
SPL Sound pressure level (a measure of sound pressure)   Technical
SPOTY Sports Personality of the Year   Progs
squawk box Any form of simple point-to-point loudspeaker-based intercom   Technical

SRM Studio Resource Manager   People
SROTY Sports Review of the Year (preceded SPOTY)   Progs
SRTB Sound Reverse Talkback
SS Sound Supervisor   People
SSC Sound sub-carrier   Technical
SSS Sound Studio Suite (or ‘Spur’ as it was known)   Places
SSS Soft-Soled Shoe allowance
Stagger through The second part of camera rehearsal
STB Sound Talkback
STC Standard Telephones and Cables Ltd   Technical

STD Studio   Places
STD Subscriber Trunk Dialling   Technical
STG Sound Assistant Tape and Grams   People
STG1 Elstree Stage 1 (879 square metres)
SG1 Elstree Stage 1 (879 square metres)
stagger First studio rehearsal where cameras are positioned and shots set up for each scene as set out in the script
STK/LS Stoke on Trent Local Station   Places
STR Sound Test Room
Strawberry Filter Director’s verbal instruction to camera crew not to turn over
Super Superimpose   Scripts

SW Swindon   BBC Transmitter
Swan Panning Head (PH) (Vinten)   Mountings
SWC Switching Centre
swinger Person who manoeuvred the manually operated jib arm of a camera crane
SWL Swains Lane
SWOP Switched TalkBack (OBs)
SWTB Switched Talkback
SX Swansea   Places
Sync Synchronous – two signals are in step   Technical
Sync The act of getting two signals in step   Technical

SYPHER SYnchronous Post dub with Helical scan and Eight track Recorder


T&D Travel and Duty Expenses   Misc
T&G Tape and Grams (Person or his equipment)   People
T/I Track In   Scripts
T/L Tie Line
T/O Track out   Scripts
TA Technical Assistant   People
TAC Tacolneston   BBC Transmitter
Tail Out Reel of tape spooled fully in the forward direction, so the free end was the end of the tape
TAR Television Apparatus Room
TARIF Technical Apparatus for the Rectification of Indifferent Film

TB Talkback
TBA To Be Arranged   Script
TBC Time Base Corrector   Technical
TBC To Be Confirmed   Scripts
TBU Telephone Balance Unit
TC Television Centre
TC Timecode   Technical
TC1 Studio 1 Television Centre (995 square metres)   Studios
TC2 Studio 2 Television Centre (223 square metres)   Studios
TC3 Studio 3 Television Centre (594 square metres)   Studios

TC4 Studio 4 Television Centre (585 square metres)
TC5 Studio 5 Television Centre (223 square metres)
TC6 Studio 6 Television Centre (598 square metres)   Studios
TC7 Studio 7 Television Centre (223 square metres)   Studios
TC8 Studio 8 Television Centre (602 square metres)   Studios
TC9 Studio 9 Television Centre (84 square metres)
TC10 Studio 10 Television Centre (111 square metres)
TC11 Studio 11 Television Centre (186 square metres)
TC12 Studio 12 Television Centre (56 square metres)
Teal Camera pedestal (ped) (Vinten)   Mountings

Tech Coord Person responsible for the technical effort in a studio   People
Tech Coord Circuit used to pass technical details or queries to sources and destinations   Technical
Tech Run Run through of a complete production for the benefit of Technical Staff   Scripts
Tech Ops Technical Operations   Misc
Tern Camera pedestal (ped) (Vinten)   Mountings
TFS Television Film Studios (i.e. Ealing)   Studios
TILT PAN Down or Up (around a horizontal axis at current camera mount position)   Scripts
TF Tatsfield (Receiving site)   BBC Transmitter
TJ Telejector   Technical
TK TeleCine (BBC usage – commercial usage is TC)   Technical

TK The TeleCine Machine and the TK Operator   Script
TM1 Technical Manager 1 (Lighting)   People
TM2 Technical Manager 2   People
TMIS Television Management Information System
TMS Television Music Studio, Lime Grove (previously Studio H)   Studios
TMS Television Music Studio, TVC
TO Technical Operator   People
TOD Time Of Day timecode   Technical
TODS Technical Operations Duty Schedule   Misc
TOIL Time off in Lieu

TOLS Tolsford
TOM Technical Operations Manager (replaced by TM2)   People
TOM Technical Operations Manager (BH Control Room)   People
TONE Sound line-up signal   Technical
TORSA Technical Operation Revised Scheduling Agreement   Misc
TOTP Top of the Pops   Progs
TPC Topical Production Centre
TRACK Camera (on mount) moves forwards or backwards to enlarge or decrease picture size of primary subject
Transatlantic Hired-in Camera crane for extra high shots   Mountings
Trav Travel day as part of a working schedule   Misc

TRR Television Rehearsal Rooms (North Acton, London)   Places
TRS tip, ring, sleeve connection commonly used in respect of quarter inch (6.35) and 3.5mm jacks
turret A rotating plate at the front of a film or television camera with mounts for various fixed focal length lenses
turn over An instruction to a film crew (both the camera and sound operators) to start rolling
TV Trap Valve
TV Television (receiver/set)
TV Television
TVC Television Centre
TVT Television Theatre (186 square metres)
TW Tomorrow’s World   Progs

TW3 That Was The Week That Was
tweak To make an adjustment to a control   Technical
tweaker Screwdriver   Technical
TWO-WIRE Single bi-directional communication circuit
TWW Two Way Working
TX Transmission   Scripts
TX Transmission (also used for recording if recorded as if live (1960s)   Scripts
TXMN Transmission   Technical
TXR Transmitter   Technical


UGH Un-Guarded Hour
U/S Upstage   Scripts
U/S UnServiceable   Technical
UKI 1 Serial number of first BBC uplink


V… Very. Sometimes added to shot abbreviations
VAR Vision Apparatus Room   Places
VC Vision Control   Technical
VCR Video Cassette Recorder   Technical
VERA Video Electronic Recording Apparatus
VFX Video Effects (example Inlay, Overlay)   Technical
VFX Visual Effects
VH Villiers House   Places
VHF Very High Frequency   Technical
VHS Video Home System   Technical

VISA Venue Intercommunication and Signalling Apparatus
VITS Vertical Interval Test Signal   Technical
VLAD Vinten Low Angle Dolly   Mountings
VLS Very Long shot   Scripts
VM Vision Mixer   People
VO Voice Over   Scripts
VO Vision Operator
Voc Vocalist   People
Vox Vocalists   People
Vox Pop Unrehearsed and or spontaneous comments from members of the public, often in the street

VR Virtual Reality   Scripts
VS Vision Supervisor   People
VSN Vision   Technical
VT Video Tape   Technical
VT Video Tape, the VT Machine and the VT Operator   Script
VT Clock VideoTape Clock
VTR Video Tape Recording   Technical
VU Volume Units (Sound)   Technical


W/A Wide Angle   Scripts
WA Washford   BBC Transmitter
wall box Means of connecting audio cables to the SCR. The wall boxes also provide power outlets, connectors for prompt cut and other facitlities
WB White Balance   technical
WH Whitehaven   BBC Transmitter
winder Teaspoon   Technical
WIS Weekly Information Sheet   Misc
WMR Windmill Road Film Library   Places
WN Wood Norton   Places

WOF Wofferton
BBC Transmitter
WOODS Work On Off-duty DayS
Wound Forward Reel of tape spooled fully in the forward direction, so the free end was the end of the tape
WRH Winter Hill   BBC Transmitter
WRT Wrotham   BBC Transmitter
WS Wide Shot
WST Westergalen   BBC Transmitter
WT Wild track   Scripts
WV Wenvoe   BBC Transmitter
WX Wrexham   BBC Transmitter



X Cross eg XL crosses left   Scripts
XF Cross fade   Scripts
XLR General audio/power connector


Y Luminance signal   Technical
Y/TOW BT Tower
Y/ZAR London BH
Y-cord A sound cable that provides a second feed of a circuit   Technical


Z/I Zoom In   Scripts
Z/O Zoom Out   Scripts
Zero Level The reference level for signals on a sound circuit   Technical
ZOOM Enlarge or decrease picture size by changing the focal length of the lens

Number of entries: 905



Mike Giles, Roger Bunce, Alasdair Lawrance, Albert Barber,
John Howell, John Howell (Hibou), Neil Dormand, Tony Grant,
Jeff Booth, Bill Jenkin, Phillip Tyler, Peter Neill,
Barry Bonner, Peter Hider, John Wardle, Rex Palmer,
Huw Williams, Peter Cook, Robin Sutherland, Vernon Dyer,
Ian Hillson, Alec Bray,    

