Les Thorn 1/3/2024
I don’t know if this is the correct way to pass on sad news, but I have just heard that Bill Jenkin has died. Annie, his wife contacted Stuart Palmer, to tell him the news.
Paul Thackray
More information from a facebook post
‘Bill Jenkin passed away on Tuesday this week. Bill had recently had a replacement knee and suffered an infection and various complications. He was at home with Anne when he died.
He will be sadly missed.’
Simon Vaughan
Very sorry to hear such sad news.
I met Bill when he organised a tour round TVC before it closed. After that we corresponded on various TV history related issues over a number of years.
I always found him very engaging and a mine of information.
He certainly will be sadly missed by many in this group and further afield, I’m sure I am shocked and saddened by news of Bill’s death. Another good guy gone.
Geoff Fletcher
I have known Bill since the 1960s when he shared a flat with Bob Hewison and Sim, and enjoyed meeting up with him again on Tech Ops disorganised lunches.
I send my deepest condolences to Anne and all his family. RIP bill old friend.
John Vincent
Bill Jenkin was one of those wonderful larger than life characters this industry seems to attract. He always put others first. His Union work for example. Though I’m sure Management would say he was a belligerent pain in the backside!
When I think of John and Bill it brings a smile to my face. Not a bad legacy to leave.
Simon Vaughan
Very sorry to hear such sad news.
I met Bill when he organised a tour round TVC before it closed. After that we corresponded on various TV history related issues over a number of years.
I always found him very engaging and a mine of information.
He certainly will be sadly missed by many in this group and further afield, I’m sure
Mitch Mitchell
I am shocked and saddened by news of Bill’s death. Another good guy gone. This is terrible news )-:
My most sincere condolences to Anne and everyone here who knew William. He was a true gentleman and fantastic friend to have and it was a great pleasure / honour to share a flat with him for 4 or 5 years in Kilburn during the early 70’s
This was back in those jolly days

… and approximately half a century later, this was just before covid. William is rear left, shown opposite Alan Gomery with Nick Lake foreground

When searching out that early shot, this one surfaced and sums up William very nicely : always fun to be around and… as enthusiastic an *actor* as anyone who ever graced his tv camera’s lens.

Geoff Wheeler
So sad to hear of Bill’s passing. I joined tech ops with him in 1965 and shared a flat in Acton with him after Evesham. He introduced me to boating on the canals which I still enjoy today. Sincere condolences to all of his family.
Tony Grant
RIP both John and Bill, a great delight and privilege to work alongside people such as yourselves with immense personality and talent that helped the rest of us push ourselves in an effort to attain the same standards.
Peter Hider
The last tour of TVC in 2013 was organised in part by Bill. My favourite moment of that tour was when the young actor employed as our guide said before we left reception to start the tour, I will now give you some history of the building and Bill said “Excuse me but we are the history of the Television Centre”.
John Barlow
My main memories of Bill Jenkins were of Bill and TV5, the ABS Branch for Tech Ops at TVC though, strangely, I can’t remember us actually working as cameramen together, but we must have. Bill was part of the lifeblood of TV5 and through him and his determination so many improvements to our “Conditions of Service” were gained and are still through, our pensions, being enjoyed today.