Museum Exhibits

At lunch the other day Gerry Tivers gave me these for safe keeping. He thinks they should be in a museum, and so do I, but experience has shown that big museums aren’t that interested. They are probably deluged with old gear from every profession. Rather sad really, and perhaps there’s a gap in the market for some entrepreneurial  person, or maybe the GTC.  In the meantime, they’re stashed in the cupboard here, next to my edit control panel from VT6.

(Update – they are now in the Alexandra Palace Television Society archive.)

The protractors were designed for use with studio plans so that everyone would get an idea of what could be seen on a given lens and camera. Look closely at picture 2, and you’ll see that the device was designed in 1951 by famous BBC engineer D R Campbell. A BIG shot of the text is here.

Personally, I’m also glad to have an internal envelope. Even though hundreds passed through my hands, there were none here till now.






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