Mike Jordan
There is a huge display of the show in The Science Museum (January 2016) – brought back memories!
I was looking after the GPO lines for “Our World” in a special setup in TC1 Camera store!
(Click on the pictures below to see a larger or clearer version of the picture:
Click the “X” button (top right) to close the newly opened picture.)

Tony Crake
Some Sound Crew there?
Robin Luxford, Norman Bennett, Graham Beebe, Keith Eldridge and is that Ken Osbourne (with the tie off to one side) and next to him on the floor Greg Ade?
Also possibly. Wilf Rath behind Robin?
The only other person I recognize…. right behind Norman Bennett is John Hawes who was on Crew 2 when I arrived at TVC in 1966, and then smartly transferred to OBs.
Mike Giles
I think I also see MLE in the middle, Mother at the front and possibly Norman Taylor in the front row on the right hand side of the raised area.
Roger Bunce
Looks like Mike Fagini near the centre, in shirt sleeves, and Dave Hanks behind Mother
Bernie Newnham
Aubrey Singer and Noble Wilson on the crane. Darrol Blake to the left of Norman Taylor. Jim Stephens next to Mother, Bob Wright top right, Mitch half hidden lower right.
Bill Jenkin
Don’t be fooled by the Marconi mk IVs. They were TC2’s cameras but were wheeled through to TC1 and routed to TC2 gallery. So the TC2 floor crew were effectively in TC1.
(Click on the picture below to see a larger or clearer version of this picture:
Click the “X” button (top right) to close the newly opened picture.)

(from diagram above)
I should be there somewhere but I can’t find me. I don’t think the jpg compression has helped.
John Cavaciuti
Doug Watson front row right, holding reel of camera tape; Tony Grant front extreme right.
Could be:Andy Robertson on Tony Grant’s right
Bob Meikle behind Andy Robertson (both slightly hidden)
Dave Austwick back row on floor looking up towards camera
Ian Gibb on Dave Austwick’s left.
Pat Heigham
Possibly John Lopes extreme left front (holding script)? Used to be sound but transferred to production, I think. He came to my 21st party in Bookham, and my female cousin was much taken with him!
[Ed: For a comprehensive, minute by minute description of the planning, rehearsal and transmission of “Our World” please see David Taylor’s full account HERE ]