Wogan’s Wand on “Blankety Blank”

Tech Ops eavesdropped on another forum to get this gem …

Pat Heigham

As I recall, Terry Wogan’s ‘wand mic’ was constructed of a car radio aerial, with a Sony ECM 50 or similar, araldited to the end.  I think the cable was threaded down the inside to a radio mic transmitter.

Naughty Kenny Everett grabbed it during one show and bent it in two!

                  (Click on the picture below to see a larger or clearer version of this picture:
                   Click the “X” button (top right) to close the newly opened picture.)


Peter Neill

Pat’s quite right, Wogan’s Wand was originally a car aerial.

BUT The American Show on which “Blankety Blank” was modelled (“The Match Game”) used a genuine Sony telescopic mic – the ECM 51.

