More about Dick Hibberd

John Henshall

It is with great sadness that I have to report that Dick Hibberd, one time BBC cameraman, Head of Cameras at HTV, Studio Supervisor at Thames TV and Founder and Honorary President of The Guild of Television Cameramen passed away on 8 Sep 2015.

Dick Hibberd probably did more to ensure the stature of the television cameraman than any other person. He really was a legend.

Alasdair Lawrance, Geoff Fletcher

Dick was certainly one of the good guys. Dick was one of those guys who one thought would go on forever. Without him there would have been no Guild to promote the status and push for recognition of the skills and input of TV cameramen. He will be  greatly missed.

Dave Plowman

I only knew him as a TS at Thames TV Teddington Studios. Always a pleasure to work with.

Rex Palmer

There is a moving tribute to Dick Hibberd on the GTC website, written by the website editor, Alison Chapman.

Vernon Dyer

I never actually worked with Dick, but knew him well from the early days of the Guild.  His enthusiasm and energy in forming the Guild and making it the force for the recognition and appreciation of the cameraman’s contribution to the television industry was immense.  In a real sense he WAS the Guild in its early stages and he will be sorely missed by everyone who knew him.

John Barlow

Others will, no doubt, recall his exceptional organising skills and his 110% dedication to improve the status of Television Camerman, his vision for forming the Guild and his professionalism as a cameraman and hi role as Head of Cameras – but I shall remember above all that he was the complete gentleman.

