Andrew Dixon
When I went to have a good look around while the art installation was in the scenery block recently (2015). I persuaded a security man at the car park entrance to let me take the attached photo. Hastily shot as you can see! It’s the first level car ramp in the multi story.
(Click on the picture below to see a larger or clearer version of this picture:
Click the “X” button (top right) to close the newly opened picture.)

The square in the floor contained the “Blue Peter” time capsule and the nearby wall, a plaque (now missing).
I lit the transmission of the laying in state sometime around 1985. Firmly engraved on my memory as just before TX the sun (reflected off something I suppose) came smack down the camera lens.
I wonder if anyone remembers the occasion, or has details of the box’s contents? What happened to it and to the plaque?
The second photo I could call “here lie the remains of my first appointment”… TK engineer 1968! Very sad to see it now.
(Click on the picture below to see a larger or clearer version of this picture:
Click the “X” button (top right) to close the newly opened picture.)

Peter Neill
I recently e-mailed the current “Blue Peter” editor about the hanging that used to be above the walkway to the canteen.
Judging by the tone of this reply, the time capsule will be safe. Somewhere.
“…I’ve got some good news for you. Before TVC closed I personally made sure
that all our “Blue Peter” heritage items were removed and they are now either in
storage or with us at MediaCity. The barkcloth that you mention is now within
the British Museum collection and below is a link to more information about it.
With best wishes from everyone at Blue Peter.
Dick Blencowe
I was on the crew, as SA2, that did the time capsule laying in the car park, but I can’t remember what was in it or the date. The main show came from TC3 in which the scene doors opened opposite East Hill which led down to the railway arch with the new car park beyond. The car park was not finished and was a building site. The builders had prepared the hole ready on the ramp and filled it with concrete after the box was lowered in.
Cables were rigged through the scene doors and down the road to the car park and I think the doors remained at least ajar or fully open during the day.
The show started in the studio with an item unrelated to the time capsule and I remember silly comments as I operated the boom with wellies on: the car park was muddy. It was not summer as I remember using a wet weather jacket from stores but it didn’t rain. After the first item in the studio there was a film sequence while we all moved down to the car park and I believe the show good byes were from there.
I recall a programme driving a vintage or veteran car up to the roof when the car park was completed, was this “Blue Peter”?
Colin Hassell
I remember working on that “Blue Peter” too, in the Car Park building site. It must have been sometime before the end of 1982, as that’s when I transferred to OBs.
Some years later I was lent back to Studios and worked on a “Blue Peter” which had an item involving an elephant, out in the Ring Road. Dave Silk suggested that I should man the 816 being an OBs chap.
Albert Barber
Anyone remember the time an Elephant sat on one of the TVC’s bollards and crushed it and they banned filming at TVC?