Learn your Lines and Hit your Marks

Peter Combes

I remember Peter Byrne (Andy Crawford in “Dixon…”) being described as “the cameraman’s actor”.  He always hit his marks, and knew exactly where his keylight was.

Alex Thomas, Alec Bray

We did a sequel to “A for Andromeda”  with Susan Hampshire who admitted to being dyslexic but never forgot her lines (“The Andromeda Breakthrough”).

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One of the characters, an Egyptian police inspector Col Salim, (played by Barry Linehan), was always off his marks and in episode 4 when he was “shot dead” I had a preset shot which he was supposed to fall into.

On the first stagger through when he was shot dead, the camera crew cheered as the character was obviously leaving the show.

He was to say the least, very indignant.

He still missed his mark in “death” on the recording.

