Albert Barber
Just musing, but I wondered where all the artwork at BBC buildings, especially TC, went. The Boardroom at OBH had a wonderful painting of Reith and other DGs – plus the attached:
(Click on the picture below to see a larger or clearer version of this picture:
Click the “X” button (top right) to close the newly opened picture.)

“Blue Peter” had a tapestry on your way in to the canteen and I remember a Dufy on the 6th floor?
Not to mention the “Jackanory” illustrations!
Roger Bunce
I wrote to “Ariel”, demanding to know what happened to the 6th Floor Dufy. They said it’s now hanging at BH. I wouldn’t have trusted them, but Peter Neil has confirmed this. I don’t know what became of the “Blue Peter” tapestry (image below).
(Click on the picture below to see a larger or clearer version of this picture:
Click the “X” button (top right) to close the newly opened picture.)

The glorious John Piper mosaic and the Huxley Jones sculptures will, presumably, be enjoyed by the new inhabitants of TV Centre – and should be visible to the public, if promises are kept. They are an awful reminder of how cheaply TV Centre was sold.
David Brunt
There’s been a long-running mystery of what happened to Huge Carleton-Greene’s huge office painting of a multi-breasted Mary Whitehouse.
A huge number of “Jackanory” (and Bob Broomfield’s “Blue Peter”) artwork was junked when Birt closed down the design department. Some pieces are in private collections but most are long gone.
Bernard Newnham
Bob Richardson, who used to be a Chyron/Aston operator in Pres A, used to go “skip-diving” out the back of the scenery car park.