Not Black and White television…
Robin Sutherland
E.L. James, the author of “50 Shades of Grey”, is the daughter of the late Alistair Mitchell, known universally as Mitch, who was a long serving cameraman and latterly supervisor with London BBC OBs.
He was one of the nicest blokes you’d ever care to meet or have a pint with, as well as being a very good cameraman. Everyone was devastated by his early death not that long after he retired. I’m sure he’d be really pleased that his daughter has achieved such fame with her racy novel.
Gordon Blockley
Alistair Mitchell was an outside broadcast cameraman based at Kendal Avenue Acton,with whom I worked for about seven years in the 1960s.
At the time, many of the same crew lived at High Wycombe, so we often shared cars when driving into base. My understanding is that his widow still lives in the area.
Alistair was an excellent colleague to have worked with, and I regard my days spent on Outside Broadcasts as some of my best years, particularly as television was in its most creative period, which included the introduction of colour in 1967, where we were privileged to be part of the first colour OB unit. Very happy days!
Graham Giles
Here is a picture to remind everyone of those happy days.
Alistair Mitchell 1980:
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Click the “X” button (top right) to close the newly opened picture.)