VT Tea Two

Alasdair Lawrance

Near the Ngorongoro crater, Tanzania.

                  (Click on the picture below to see a larger or clearer version of this picture:
                   Click the “X” button (top right) to close the newly opened picture.)


Gary Critcher

On location at Brooklands Museum in Weybridge, Surrey.

                  (Click on the picture below to see a larger or clearer version of this picture:
                   Click the “X” button (top right) to close the newly opened picture.)


John Howell

VT Tea found its way to my daughter’s wedding courtesy of Alasdair Lawrance, that’s his limousine behind us, it’s a 1998 Bentley Mulliner Brooklands R, no 92/100. Absolutely no Photoshoppery here!

                  (Click on the pictures below to see a larger or clearer version of the picture:
                   Click the “X” button (top right) to close the newly opened picture.)


Gary Critcher

18/10/2014 On Location:

                  (Click on the picture below to see a larger or clearer version of this picture:
                   Click the “X” button (top right) to close the newly opened picture.)


Gary Critcher

Don’t forget we have a ‘VT Tea’ Facebook group:

