“Yes Minister” and Cameras.

from Mike Cotton

This is John Dailley making a guest star appearance on “Yes Minister”, the story about the Party Political Broadcast


from Brian White

Brian found this article on Ken McGregor, highly respected lighting man, in a 2000 Hillingdon paper.

And a small gathering of the clans, summer 2004….


from Steve Edwards

This is Steve Edwards, who isn’t a cameraman, but he does own a camera – in fact two, because he has an LDK5 too.
As you can see, the machine is in outwardly good nick, though I worry about his living room floor.
Steve wants to get this one going again and he needs someone who understands these things….personally, I’d love to see one of these working again, and I’ve been told it isn’t possible. Red rag etc – I’m looking for qualified people.

The engineering end – looks like new. Did you know these things cost £25,000 in 1967 money?

In 1979 Steve was at Wrexham football ground to watch the OB crew setting up. Bill Baldock from OBs says this is a Manchester unit and the cameras are LDK3s. I only ever worked one once. They were HEAVY.

