Ted Langley, Chris Wickham, Bruce Gower, Dave Hanks, Mike Harrison and Peter Valentine

From Mike Harrison

“Ted Langley. Senior Cameraman, Crew I sitting outside the back of Riverside Studios with Martin Wyatt. 1961

CU Ted Langley on the phone in the set of “Compact” – the first proper Soap which ran ’61’ to 63 inc.

Chris Wickham on the fire escape of Lime Grove studios. Approx ’62

Bruce Gower ( Who went on to become a top Producer), the late Dave Hanks (on Cameras st this time, but later a Vision Mixer) and Myself at Woodnorton, Evesham. 1960

Peter Valentine (Cameraman at the time, later Tech Co-ordinater) in Lime Grove Canteen. Approx 1962.”

