from Mike Harrison

Mike says: “Production photo of “Onedin Line”. Late 70’s.
Back row 2nd from left the late Peter Larkham & next to him a camera lad called Dave Something. On the other side of the chandelier is John Hayes.
On the left of the next row forward is John Dailley. Extreme right by lamp shade is Vision Mixer James Gould.
Middle row 2nd & 3rd fom left are Colin Hazlewood and Dion ?.
Under the Chandelier is Director Gerry Blake.
Second row left, Dave Carter and yours truly wearing our exclusive “Onedin line” T-shirt which I still have.”
And for non-cameramen, lots of other perhaps more familiar faces.
And from David Carter….cam R of Pete Larkham is David Jackson (I think) and cam L may be Ken Webb. Dion Dasey is next to Colin Hazelwood and two right of Dion is Peter Ware.

Mike shooting Noel Edmonds on “Multi-coloured Swap Shop”. Circa 1975

And something a bit obscure – nerdy info very welcome – a ticket for a sitcom which Mike says was terrible.