from Mike Harrison

Mike says “Crew 13 on a trip to Falmouth to watch “Onedin Line” filming on the Charlotte Rose.
The weather was so bad that the Rose’s sail tore and filming ceased. We were really thrown about in this fishing boat.
Bottom right is me (Mike)and left to right is John Dailley, Ken Webb, Producer Geraint Morris, the late Peter Larkham, Derek Lambourne, and Peter Ware. Don’t know who the guy with his back to camera is.
(four months later…)I recently had a memory flash & if you want to complete the names, they are Dave JA

…and back indoors…
Director Michael Darlow, Bill Jenkin, Colin Aiken and your truly (Senior on this play which was called “Country Dancing”)

Also from “Country Dancing”. Me and Colin foreground. Date was about 1979.

Ray Hider – in 1960 I think – in Riverside One working on “Eric Sykes”

Pete Hills on a Mole. Circa 1962

Reg Poulter, Mid sixties