Terry Foote has found this staff list from 1967. Bernie found himself in the cheap seats on the last page. Where are they all now? (Right click on an image, open in seperate tab and repeted CTL and + to enlarge)
John Howell’s first payslip. I think he got £44.16.00 – enough to run a car, get a mortgage, and still have enough for a 4d bag of chips
Sept 21st 1967
Part of an ABS dispute notice, quoting a BBC definition of the job from about 1960. As a result of this memo, all cameramen worked to rule
– junior crew members weren’t allowed to pan etc. The dispute revolved around the rapid changes in working practices in the years between, which meant that people were being paid different rates to do the same job.
There’s pages of this stuff in the memo
from Jeff Goodwin…
A recruiting brochure from 1965
From John Barclay –
Where it all started – the opening of Alexandra Palace. 2nd November 1936
“I should not be given the credit for these as Neil Campbell was kind enough to let me copy them before he retired.
His father, as I am sure you know, was the Senior Studio Engineer on this momentous day.”
The two pages of the official hand-out
John also has the whole script, of which this is a detail
And from Bernie’s loft…
The cover of Wireless World October 1967
There’s no mention of this inside at all, but it’s The Julie Felix Show in TC6, and was an advanced proving test for the BBC’s first large colour studio. The singers were the Incredible String Band, and on the Marconi Mk7 cameras, Robin Barnes and Paul Salinger.
The camera card lens hoods were there because Marconi hadn’t yet supplied the real thing.
From Brian White –
Some excellent documents… Brian has the complete versions
Part of a Daily Duty Sheet – 16th September 1955
First page of the Presentation script for the same date. Note Innes Lloyd, later famous drama producer.
..and some of the immortal words.
From an unknown magazine (Ariel?) The Forsyte Saga team, gathered in the doughnut at Television Centre
Christmas Cards
Part of the staff list from November 1966 – where are you all now?