Steve Blatchford

Robin Sutherland

I first encountered Steve at TC in the 60s and was pleased to renew his acquaintance later when he transferred to OBs where he thoroughly enjoyed the rest of his BBC days. He was an excellent cameraman and thoroughly good company with an acerbic wit and a wonderfully dry sense of humour.

I particularly recall his last show on OBs before taking early retirement. It was Dunhill Golf from St Andrews and we were all in a bad state on the final day after a riotous retirement event the previous evening. He worked as a freelancer with me on Diana’s funeral and spotted the stunning closeup of the wreath on the coffin with the word “Mummy” written on it, one of the most memorable shots of the whole event.

Definitely one of the good guys – RIP Steve.

Barry Bonner

I was on a crew with Steve before he went to OBs. He was a very pleasant guy to work with and always had a happy disposition.

Herewith a photo of him at work I sneakily took in 1967ish? when taking photos was banned. It was not long after TC7 opened.

Peter Combes

Here is a photo of him with Chris Wickham and Tim Smith, all attending my wedding in 1964…….

