
Bernie Newnham

My wife Pauline collected comics when she was about 12.  We’ve had around 300 of them stashed in the loft for about 40 years.

Dave Mundy

I well remember the “Eagle” comics when I was in primary school (before the 1950s) and it was more expensive than my “Dandy” and “Beano” and then the “Hotspur”. My best friend’s dad owned a shop and could afford it but when the “Lion” came out I got that instead and hoped that my birthday date would come up in their next issue, but it never did! Sadly, my mother got rid of them all, together with all my ‘love letters’ to various girlfriends, I never forgave her! I could have made a fortune by blackmail!

Dave Newbitt

Snap. I too had “Beano” and “Dandy” then “Lion”. My sister had the “Schoolfriend”, a sort of sister comic to “Lion” though it was in publication before the “Lion”. For some reason, my parents disapproved of “Eagle”, so I never had that. Seem to remember it being semi-glossy whereas the “Lion” was dull matt. I recall the content of “Beano” and “Dandy” more readily than the others though I’ve no idea why.

