Technical Operations Staff List 1974

Technical Opertaions Staff List 1974

Graham Giles

I have found a Tech Ops. Staff list for August 1974. There were 20 crews.

The Senior Cameramen were – 1 Routledge, 2 Wilkins, 3 Taylor, 4 Poulter, 5 Atkinson, 6 Thomson, 7 Green, 8 Peverall, 9 Kay, 10 Granger, 11 Wheal, 12 Baxter, 13 Ware, 14 Mutton, 15 Gibb, 16 Major, 17 Hills, 18 Reid, 19 Fenna, 20 Feld.

Each crew had 4 other Cameramen and a Camera Assistant. That makes 120 all told.

Pool staff and other camera assistants numbered 40. 

There were 72 Tech.Managers 1 & 2, and 50 vision staff.

There were 42 Sound Supervisors., 3 Sound Assitants on each crew, plus 61 others for Gram.Ops. and Pool.

23 secretaries/clerks, 12 section managers, 3 H.Tels (Section heads) – and HTO was Phil Ward.

What an empire!

Here is the completed (and annotated!) Tech Ops. Staff list for August 1974: