Bernie Newnham
Sad news – Julie Felix died last week (dated 05/04/2020). A part of my youth, in various studios, on various shows.Long ago – 1967 – we were scheduled to do proving tests in TC6 (or was it TC8?). Somehow day 2 turned into the first “Julie Felix Show”, the BBC’s first commissioned colour programme. It got to be on the cover of “Wireless World”:

I found the picture on a page on the original tech-ops site – – put together on 25/04/02 for monitors that worked in 800×600. If you click on "View Source" you can marvel at ancient runes of lovingly hand coded HTML.
David Newbitt
Nice reminder Bernie. I see from my 1967 diary I worked on the Julie Felix shows and the first two I have a note of were on October 10th and 17th in TC6. All subsequent recordings were from TC8 at weekly intervals each Tuesday following on from the dates of the TC6 ones. All mixed by Bish until January 4th 1968 when Buster Cole was SS. Not sure how long the series continued beyond then as I was no longer involved.I still have a number of “Wireless World” mags from the 1960s. I’m attaching a scan of the cover from April 1968 and wonder if the featured production is in anyone’s recollection? It rings bells of recognition in my mind but it won’t come to me. Increasing number of synaptic connections missing! The cover photo was described as here (you might have thought they would have mentioned it was a D25 mic) :-

Peter Fox
Do you think the boom-op was hinting that there was a maybe a mite too much headroom?Barry Bonner
No, I think he’s looking in the same place as the actor!Barry Bonner
I worked quite a lot of Julie Felix shows starting at the end of 1967 also on October 17th. in TC6 with Bish, it says we overran 15 mins!Later on, notes in my 1968 diary from October onwards say that it was Len Shorey and Alan Edmonds and in TC8.
Nice show to work on and as I played folk guitar I got on quite well with Julie.