Roger’s Christmas Card, and This is the BBC

Roger Bunce has been looking after this Christmas card from the Production Design department since the early nineties. It was the very end of the era of the confident BBC culture at Television Centre, when the BBC was still (almost) a big family, and departments had fun.

The mural on the end of the Spur was created by Going Live, after complaints that the building looked like an ever-unfinished building site. The mural went away when the end of the spur running down to the road was built. It seems like they only just got the place completed when they didn’t want it any more….


There’s a very large version of the Television Centre picture here


If you haven’t seen This is the BBC, find it on YouTube under APTS Archive. A long time back, Roger sent some stills from the film, and has done some higher resolution updates……..




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