[Tech1] Another topic

ROGER BUNCE rogerbunce at btinternet.com
Mon Feb 15 03:58:12 CST 2021

One of my favourite pieces of suspenseful Mood Music was originally 
called (I think) "Sinister Street", but you can now get it under the 
name of the sketch it was most associated with - "The Phantom Raspberry 
Blower of Old London Town" - an all time classic!

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From: "Alan Taylor via Tech1" <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk>
To: "Tech-Ops-chit-chat" <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk>
Sent: Sunday, 14 Feb, 21 At 10:36
Subject: Re: [Tech1] Another topic

I was told that the themes to Grandstand and MOTD were specially 
composed and by the same guy too, but I may well be wrong about that.

It’s also good when classical music is used and becomes inextricably 
linked with certain programmes, such as Sky at Night, or show jumping, 
not to mention the Lone Ranger.  I’m not sure I would refer to Sousa as 
classical, but Monty Python made Liberty Bell their own and even today 
if a brass band plays that march, they risk having members of the 
audience blowing raspberries at the appropriate point.

Alan Taylor

On 14 Feb 2021, at 09:11, Mike Giles via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> 

The Wimbledon tennis theme is one such as you describe Alan - called 
Light and Tuneful!

But when I got the mood music discs out for doing a fresh copy of the 
signature tune for Grandstand it was actually named Grandstand - so that 
one must have been renamed after they chose it.

Mike G

On 14 Feb 2021, at 08:09, Alan Taylor via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> 

Never having been based at TVC, I didn’t get to work on Vision On, but 
after I went freelance,  I did the dub for a programme celebrating 
library music famously used in TV shows.

Apart from Left Bank Two, I remember ‘Approaching Menace’ ( Mastermind ) 
and  ‘Chicken Man’, which I have dubbed onto loads of episodes of Grange 

It’s quite fun discovering library music.  It’s not well known outside 
of the film & TV  production business, but it’s a huge operation. The 
music was composed and recorded speculatively in the hope of attracting 
royalty payments when it’s used. The thing which impressed me was how 
reliable the descriptions were.  If you wanted something reminiscent of 
the Bond theme, it was likely to be titled ‘The Name is James’.  It 
wasn’t just the titles, the description were spot on too and directors 
could quite rapidly compile a list of possibles, before wasting hours 
listening to them all.

Alan Taylor

On 13 Feb 2021, at 23:30, Mike Giles via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> 

I would not have remembered that and I played it often enough!

In my early days as a TO, when we did everything in the regions, I did a 
camera on Vision On several times and The Gallery was the most stressful 
bit, panning in the right sequence and adjusting for size with some very 
awkward zoom lenses, if you were lucky, otherwise it meant moving the 
ped if you were on a turret. And like so many shows back then, recorded 
as live, with retakes for only the most significant problems once you 
were well into the show - otherwise it was stop and restart from the 

Mike G

On 13 Feb 2021, at 21:58, Alan Taylor via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> 

The Vision On gallery tune is called Left Bank Two


Alan Taylor

On 13 Feb 2021, at 20:51, patheigham via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> 

I have a memory as to the music that was used behind the Picture Gallery 
for Vision On.
During a music session- maybe at Riverside, the percussionist started to 
play on the vibraphone, the guitarist vamping, joined in, and it was 
laid down.
Anyone else know this?
It’s a lovely melody.
Pat H

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From: Mike Giles via Tech1 <mailto:tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk>
Sent: 30 January 2021 07:43
To: Tech Ops <mailto:tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk>
Subject: Re: [Tech1] Another topic

And then of course there was that other programme for the deaf - Vision 
On - which paid particular attention to sound! I was gram op on that for 
several series, not that we were called gram ops in the regions - merely 
TOs. Apart from the SS and SA1, I can’t even recall if the schedule 
dictated who would be doing what on the day - it was probably just 

Mike G

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