[Tech1] Working life at TVC - time to write yours

patheigham pat.heigham at amps.net
Thu Aug 26 15:06:38 CDT 2021

Vision On
I heard that there was some time left at a music session, and the vibraphone player started to busk a tune, and the band joined in. A recording was made and that became the backing for the kid’s paintings.
Anyone got a definitive version or different for this story?

My other group (Association of Motion Picture Sound) wanted to support a charity, which had to do with sound in some form.
We supported Hearing Dogs for Deaf People, followed by Ovingdean House School, for deaf kids, which sadly closed as the local educational authorities withdrew funding for the weekly boarders. Subsequent projects included the installation of an induction loop for the cinema/TV room at Glebelands, the residential home for cinema veterans, which I heard is no longer. Also a sound system for Christopher’s – a hospice for life limited children, as music is apparently a useful therapy.

Hopefully you have some humorous reminiscences from Vision On, which you directed in Bristol, Clive, with me as Gram Op. It was a great tribute to Patrick Dowling that he placed great importance on the sound content of a programme for the deaf! Our children, both with normal hearing, absolutely loved it and quite a few adults were hooked. Even today “Left Bank Two” strikes a chord with lots of people.

Mike G

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