[Tech1] Mailing list problems

Alan Taylor alanaudio at me.com
Sun Nov 15 15:45:14 CST 2020

I use Apple Mail, both on a Mac and an iPad.  If you simply hit the reply button on that, your reply goes solely to the original sender and not the group, just as Bernie describes.

Does anybody know of a clever way of making it automatically reply to the group by default?

Alan Taylor

> On 15 Nov 2020, at 21:35, Bernard Newnham via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:
>  The list does have it's deficiencies but I think that the current "missing replies" aren't one of them, and I think that Doug is right.  Thunderbird for instance has a "Reply List" option, and if you are using Thunderbird and don't click on it, the reply only goes to the sender. I don't know if other mail clients have the equivalent.
> On a wider note - the list uses a system called GNU Mailman, which has been around for a long time.  It's what my server on Site5 offers for this job. I did install Dada Mail a while back, and tested it with a few people, but we didn't think that it offered enough advantages to matter.   
> The on-going biggest problems are not being able to send, and not seeing your own emails. The first is to do with your email provider, and how it interprets DMARC - https://dmarc.org/. This seems to have changed and improved since its introduction.  The second problem also seems to be to do with your provider, as the list settings allow receiving your own messages. It's come up a good number of times over the years, and I haven't yet been able to fix it.
> Bernie
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