[Tech1] Beatles, Abbey Road? B&W Scanner? When?

John Cox johnhcox at gmail.com
Fri Oct 19 04:48:08 CDT 2018

Thank you Mike Giles for that conformation of MCR28. I knew all the people mentioned. Mike Smyth worked in London Tel OBs for a short time before returning to Bristol. His name was announced in the entertainments area on a cruise ship I was once on in the Mediterranean sea. Dave Gautier and Alan Hayward (who also went to Bristol) were the cameramen on the LPU, Alan is seen sitting on a horse with his camera on B B C tv LPU1/History
 Alec your picture is not very clear, in that position on the back of the scanner usually hung an iron rung ladder which gave access to the roof where we could rig an aerial or camera.
 I was sound supervisor at Heathrow Airport when the Beatles made their famous return from America early in the morning when the fans were standing on car rooves or anything up high. While adjusting the microphones in the press room I held our mic and one other and got a nasty electrical shock. I told the operator off, he didn’t understand double wound transformers!
 The relevant interview  with David Coleman is on YouTube.
 Isn’t it amazing how a simple phrase from (John Nottage) or anyone can trigger  memories of long ago.

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