[Tech1] [Announce] Removal of name from Tech Ops mailing lists

paul at pgtmedia.co.uk paul at pgtmedia.co.uk
Mon Mar 25 05:31:38 CDT 2024

This has been delt with and I have let Carol know directly.

I do not believe Bernie had a process for removal of Emails other than by request. 

I can see quite a number of email addresses still on the system for members no longer with us.

I know in some cases, other family members are still using the old email address and wish to continue. The issue is made more difficult as 'Real Names' are not compulsory, so we have a number of Email addresses , where the address does not include the name, so I have no way of knowing who it belongs too! Some people have 2,3 or 4 different addresses registered and I have no way to know if this is deliberate or some are 'old' and should be removed.
Anyone who wants to remove their addresses from 1 or both lists, please email Directly with Email addresses and which lists you want it removed from , I will remove them.

If you are using someone else's Email and would prefer to have your own instead, again let me know the details directly and I will make the changes. 

It would be good to tidy things up. Currently every 'Chat' email goes to around 250 addresses and every 'Announce' goes to about 350 (So this Email will send 600 emails.)

If you think you might have old addresses left on the system, but are not sure, let me have details and I will check and remove if still present.


Paul Thackray

PGT Media Consulting Ltd.
+44 7802 243979
Mail; paul at pgtmedia.co.uk

Web; http://www.pgtmedia.co.uk
Linkedin; http://uk.linkedin.com/pub/paul-thackray/19/379/746
IMDB; http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1488554/

-----Original Message-----
From: Announce <announce-bounces at tech-ops.co.uk> On Behalf Of Robin Sutherland via Announce
Sent: 24 March 2024 20:03
To: Tech Ops Announce <announce at tech-ops.co.uk>; Tech Ops Forum <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk>
Cc: Carol Sadler <carolsadler at lightingcameras.com>
Subject: [Announce] Removal of name from Tech Ops mailing lists

Hi all

Since the passing of Bernie Newnham I’m not sure who to address this request to - Paul Thackeray perhaps? - but it’s a plea on behalf of Carol Sadler asking if Colin Hazlewood’s name could be removed from the circulation lists as she finds it upsetting to still be receiving all the Forum and Announce mailing stuff in Colin’s name two and a half years after be passed away.

I know that the Tech Ops mailings are still happening more or less but if there is someone on the system who could delete Colin’s name I know that Carol would be very grateful.

Many thanks

Robin Sutherland
Announce mailing list
Announce at tech-ops.co.uk

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