[Tech1] TO & STO photos

Alec Bray alec.bray.2 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 14 05:04:19 CDT 2024

Hi Pat,

Thank you for your photos of those courses.

I note that John Henshall was on one of the same courses as you! It was 
John who - in some ways - set me on my other career path: he brought in 
a maths "puzzle" for the crew (he got it from another crew!) and I found 
an answer. (AN answer, not THE answer!) .  Long story short, as a result 
I did a City and Guilds Maths course and subsequently left the BBC to go 
to college.

Best regards,  Alec


Alec Bray
alec.bray.2 at gmail.com
MOD:  07789 561 346
TEL:  0118 981 7502

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