[Tech1] Just another day.

PATRICK HEIGHAM patrick.heigham at gmail.com
Fri Apr 19 07:40:21 CDT 2024

Interested that there are friends of the RNLI among us.
As a former resident of the I o W, I was waiting one day for the 
Yarmouth-Lymington car ferry and got to chat with a crew member working 
on the Yarmouth lifeboat.
I remarked on thelittle dock by the quayside – previously the boat was 
moored in the middle of the harbour. He told me that it meant, with 
mains power available, the engines could be kept warmed up, and run at 
full speed from the word go, saving valuable time to answer the shout.

I am pleased to support the RNLI, with raffle tickets and purchases from 
the shop – Christmas hampers were exceptionally good, and as my father 
liked 'messing about in boats' (He built a small cabin cruiser in his 
garage) and I worked with cameramen in the film industry, several of 
whom were keen sailors and owned boats.

My uncle served during the war in the Merchant Marine, and when he 
passed on, the Yarmouth (IoW) lifeboat took his widow out to scatter his 
ashes at sea. That was a fine gesture.

Pat H

On 18/04/2024 21:31, Peter Fox via Tech1 wrote:
> Which reminded me that a friend of mine, Joe Lester who was the coxswain of  the Yarmouth (IOW) Lifeboat at the time persuaded the engineer ( The master of the twin Caterpillar diesels) to install his central heating and it was a masterpiece of plumbery. Absolute perfection of parallel pipes and bends. Sadly the whole lot was due to be hidden under the floorboards (of course) so I was lucky to see it.  A job well done and no-one gets to see it, but you know.
> Peter Fox
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