[Tech1] Further to my last email...

Dave Buckley david.jasma at sky.com
Sat Sep 16 06:20:04 CDT 2023

I included a quiz on lines from TV shows and films in a couple of 
newsletters that I edit, from which I took the line included in my last 

I thought the members of this group, having worked in TV and film, would 
like to have a go at the whole quiz!!

Can you identify the film and TV shows from the following lines…….

1. Four candles
2. (What about the Sun Readers?) Sun readers don’t care who runs the 
country so long as she has big tits!
3. Listen very carefully, I shall say zis only once -
4. We’re doomed!
5. I can’t believe it!
6. I am playing all the right notes, but not necessarily in the right order!
7. I’m free!
8. Broadsword calling Danny Boy. Broadsword calling Danny Boy.
9. Infamy, infamy, they’ve all got in in for me.
10. Don’t mention the war.
11. Everybody out!
12. Beam me up, Scotty.

Dave Buckley

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