[Tech1] The Tech1 email Archives

Graeme Wall graeme.wall at icloud.com
Fri Sep 1 11:40:26 CDT 2023

Thanks, discovered they were going to junk for some reason.

> On 1 Sep 2023, at 08:28, David Newbitt <dnewbitt at fireflyuk.net> wrote:
> This post of yours showed up here Graeme. Nil desperandum!
> Dave Newbitt.
> -----Original Message----- From: Graeme Wall via Tech1
> Sent: Friday, September 1, 2023 8:18 AM
> To: Janis Goldring
> Cc: Tech ops
> Subject: Re: [Tech1] The Tech1 email Archives
> I’m getting them but my replies don’t seem to be showing up.
>> On 30 Aug 2023, at 07:51, Janis Goldring via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:
>> We are also getting the emails and do not mind sharing our address  - Janis and Peter Goldring.
>> Sent from my iPad
>>> On 27 Aug 2023, at 07:52, techtone via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:
>>> Thanks to Alec for clarifying the present status of our email list with admin overseen by Alan Taylor. I shall obviously hold fire in the meantime and wait to hear from Alan/Alec/Paul.
>>> Thanks to you for your hard work on behalf of the tech-ops community.
>>> TeaTeaFN - Tony
>>> Sent with Proton Mail secure email.
>>> ------- Original Message -------
>>> On Friday, August 25th, 2023 at 13:52, Alec Bray <alec.bray.2 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Tony,
>>>> You wrote:
>>>> "...I've been in touch with a good friend of mine who runs his own computer company, and asked him for
>>>> ideas about 'repairing' the holes which have occurred in the list. He's looked at the website and
>>>> confirmed that it's paid for until 2029, but would like more info on the email side of things.
>>>> With your permission, I will pass on email addresses that I have from past emails so's he can
>>>> hopefully unravel the system and come up with a solution to being able to administer it..."
>>>> There is NO problem with the Tech Ops web site - you may have noticed that there have been some new posts
>>>> there - and I know, 'cos Bernie told me - that there is provision in his will to keep the web site alive
>>>> for some time (the admin for this site is officially Alan Taylor nowadays) .
>>>> The problem, AFAIK, is to do with the mail handler (which is quite a separate application) and Bernie never talked with/to me
>>>> about that - it was very much his domain. Paul Thackray and I have also been chatting about trying to
>>>> remedy the mail system. To try to sort it out I/we, for example, would need administrative access to
>>>> the mail handler (and access to the passwords), so basically I/we would need to be invited to help. I was
>>>> not going to do anything until after Bernie has been laid to rest.
>>>> I, like you and many others, would be very pleased if people could help with sorting out the mail system, but I would counsel
>>>> against taking precipitative action.
>>>> Meanwhile - it seems as if the archive system is sort of working, although Paul has noticed some emails
>>>> have been missed: the archive lives here:
>>>> http://tech-ops.co.uk/pipermail/tech1_tech-ops.co.uk/
>>>> and it was through the archive that I found your email and the replies to your email - I NEVER got it through the regular tech ops email system.
>>>> I hope that this makes sense.
>>>> Very best regards,
>>>> Alec
>>>> --
>>>> =====================================
>>>> Alec Bray
>>>> alec.bray.2 at gmail.com
>>>> MOD: 07789 561 346
>>>> TEL: 0118 981 7502
>>> -- 
>>> Tech1 mailing list
>>> Tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk
>>> http://tech-ops.co.uk/mailman/listinfo/tech1_tech-ops.co.uk
>> -- 
>> Tech1 mailing list
>> Tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk
>> http://tech-ops.co.uk/mailman/listinfo/tech1_tech-ops.co.uk
>> Graeme Wall
> -- 
> Tech1 mailing list
> Tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk
> http://tech-ops.co.uk/mailman/listinfo/tech1_tech-ops.co.uk 

Graeme Wall

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