[Tech1] Conflicts

Hugh Snape hughsnape at talktalk.net
Fri Oct 27 03:42:42 CDT 2023

The Guardian continues to provide daily coverage of events in Ukraine . . .


> On 27 Oct 2023, at 09:40, Dave via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:
> I also agree! I accidentally came across a Ukrainian vlogger on U-tube the other day who was very well informed about how Russia had lost 1745 troops and 425 tanks in one day recently, and on Ceefax today it states that Russia are executing their own retreating troops, so someone is watching what's still going on! Cheers, Dave
> On 26/10/2023 22:40, Mike Giles via Tech1 wrote:
>> It’s good to know that the Ukrainian invasion is at an end, or at least you could be forgiven for thinking so as it is completely ignored on BBC TV News since the Israeli/Palestinian conflict began!
>> How can they justify ignoring something that previously featured in virtually every evening’s news?
>> Even Radio 4’s Today programme says very little about it - although Justin Webb did at least comment this morning that we shouldn’t forget that a war is still ongoing in Europe - but that was it.
>> Mike G
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