[Tech1] Cost of living rant

Pat Heigham pat.heigham at amps.net
Wed Jan 11 10:01:04 CST 2023

Rant of the Day:

*Cost of living*

Much of the rise in the cost of living has to be at the doors of the 
high street stores - mostly groceries?
My local Co-op - a pint of semi-skimmed milk used to be 50-52p, now 1.05.

How is this justified, and how much gets passed on to the dairy farmer? 
More cheaper feed for his animals?

I suspect that a bandwagon is being jumped on after the delivery 
difficulties due to Covid - Oh what
a convenient excuse!

OK, I also shop at M & S and Waitrose - both expensive, but the product 
is good.
The shelves in my local Co-op resemble those I saw in East Germany 
before the wall came down -
like empty!

Time for a Watchdog programme - where is Esther when we need her?

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