[Tech1] Hyundai

David Newbitt dnewbitt at fireflyuk.net
Tue Jan 3 08:01:09 CST 2023

Oh dear – I imagine Hyundai rather thought they’d settled the issue! I can only reinforce what I mentioned re the manufacturer’s old TV ads – I have (for once) a very clear recollection of the pronunciation at that time being Hyun-day and if the website I mention is correct in their reportage, that is what is now being requested.

Perhaps a request to the boss of Hyundai UK for ‘straight from the horse’s mouth’ guidance. Or should that be pony bearing in mind their first UK model in 1982?

Dave Newbitt.

From: Dave Plowman via Tech1 
Sent: Tuesday, January 3, 2023 12:50 PM
To: tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk 
Subject: Re: [Tech1] Hyundai

According to an ad I've just heard, it is pronounced 'Hinday'

On 02/01/2023 16:29, David Newbitt via Tech1 wrote:

  A piece today on the website https://uk.motor1.com ascribed to Adrian Padenau/Brian Potter describes as a “somewhat unusual change” the suggestion from Hyundai that we should pronounce the brand as ‘Hyun-day’.

  Why would they find “unusual” the attempt at correcting what is obviously incorrect pronunciation? I remember very clearly, as I’m sure many do, that when the company first established a presence in the UK the TV advertisements always did pronounce it as ”Hyun-day”. The inevitability of it becoming anglicised in common parlance led, one imagines, the company to give up the unequal struggle. Which put them in good company.

  The firm of Braun must have eventually despaired of trying to educate us away from ‘Brawn’. My father and many others of his generation always referred to Renault not as Ren-oh but as Ren-ult. I don’t take exception to any of this but wonder why we so determinedly resist accepting pronouncing a name as its owner pronounces it? 

  If ever I could afford a Patek Philippe I think I’d take a crash course in its pronunciation before heading into the jewellers!

  Dave Newbitt.  


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