[Tech1] Technical car boot sale or flea market

Mike Felton mike.felton at mac.com
Sat Aug 12 06:13:50 CDT 2023

The IPS holds a “Van Boot Sale” now and then, the last was March this year. We haven’t got one planned at the moment but will likely have one early next year if you can wait.


> On 3 Aug 2023, at 10:35, Alan Taylor via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:
> I’m selling off most of my equipment now that I’ve retired.  The big name things will be going onto BB List, while selected items will be sold locally, but I’m still left with loads of stuff which is either too bulky for parcels, rather niche, or not valuable enough to justify carriage charges, but too good to throw away.
> Do any of you know of any techie car boot sales or flea markets where odd bits of gear can find new owners?
> Alan
> -- 
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