[Tech1] Crisps! & Tuck Shop

techtone techtone at protonmail.com
Mon Oct 10 14:53:21 CDT 2022

Ah, Tayto in the Republic, therein lies a tale. From what I've heard, Tayto was originally a family concern, but there was a fall-out between two brothers, one of whom stayed in the North with the 'secret' recipe, whilst the other brother kept the name 'Tayto' and set up manufacturing in the South, but the crisps there are not quite the same. However, the 'Craft' ones I tried a couple of weeks back are from the North, and certainly some of the best I've had, perhaps the protocol shenanigans prevent them being sold over the boarder

TeaTeaFN - Tony!

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------- Original Message -------
On Sunday, October 9th, 2022 at 19:06, Graham Maunder via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:

> Currently in Dublin!
> [image0.jpeg]
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 8 Oct 2022, at 16:23, Keith Wicks via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:
>> I do like a good crisp (or two), so I'll be trying to sample the brands recommended here. So far, I've found only Tyrrell's ordinary crisps. I decided to go for the Cheese and Onion flavour which, in this case, is given the name Mature Cheddar and Chive. But I could detect no flavour at all, apart from saltiness. I asked my wife for her opinion, and she said that they had no flavour. She couldn't even taste the saltiness, although she normally has less salt on her food than I do. The good thing about these crisps was their freshness. But 0/10 for flavour.
>> My favourite crisps at the moment are (The Real) McCoy's, ridge cut, and the flavour now called Cheddar & Onion (I think it used to be called Cheddar & Spring Onion). Getting the flavour right seems to be a rather hit and miss affair. When the firm was sold to KP Snacks, a label proclaimed something like "a great new flavour", but there was no noticeable flavour at all. Over many months, the situation gradually improved, although the flavour is still not as strong as it once was. By the way, I see that KP also produce Tyrrell's ordinary and Furrows crisps.
>> My lest favourite brand of crisps is Walkers.
>> KW
>> On Wed, 5 Oct 2022 at 09:47, John Howell via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:
>>> My school tuckshop dispensed its wares from a hatch in the side of an old army hut in the junior playground. Nothing like sipping a mug of hot Oxo during Break on a cold Winter morning! I'll add Refreshers to your list Mike.
>>> Hibou.
>>> On 5 Oct 2022, at 08:45, Mike Giles via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:
>>> The mention of Wagon Wheels reminded me of penny chews, black jacks at four for a penny, I fancy, and sherbet fizz.
>>>> Mike G
>>>>> On 5 Oct 2022, at 08:42, Paul Thackray via Tech1 <[tech1 at tech-opsco.uk](mailto:tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk)> wrote:
>>>>> Seabrook s Chrisps are my favorite One of the few independent makers in the UK that are left. Made in West Yorkshire.
>>>>> Walkers appear to have a deal with most big supermarkets that either they will not stock other brands or that they are not near the Walkers display?
>>>>> I have found Seabrook in a few ASDA stores.
>>>>> Give them a try if you spot them. Maybe it's just because I had them as a Child it's my preference.?
>>>>> Paul
>>>>> Paul
>>>>> Paul Thackray
>>>>> PGT Media Consulting Ltd.
>>>>> [07802 243979](tel:07802243979)
>>>>> Mail; paul at pgtmedia.co.uk
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>>>>> From: tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk
>>>>> Sent: 4 October 2022 21:29
>>>>> To: techtone at protonmail.com
>>>>> Reply to: alawrance1 at me.com
>>>>> Cc: tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk
>>>>> Subject: Re: [Tech1] Crisps!
>>>>> They may not be as good as your NI crisps, Tony, but we're very fond of Tyrells Furrows.
>>>>> Not widely available but usually at Waitrose. Their 'ordinary' ones are OK, but Furrows are better.
>>>>> Alasdair Lawrance
>>>>> Don’t blame me, I voted Remain.
>>>>>> On 4 Oct 2022, at 20:48, techtone via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:
>>>>>> I have just returned from the Emerald Isle, and whilst there have discovered THE potato crisps. Made in Tandragee, they are Tayto Craft Crisps, exactly what crisps should be. Tayto crisps have been made here for well over 60 years, and their bog-standard crisps are available throughout the province, and quite adequate as ordinary crisps go, but these craft ones, oh yum, scrunch, chomp (especially washed down with a pint of Guinness!). Oh dear, they're not yet available here, but I have a postal service, courtesy of my sister in Belfast, whenever I'm running low. Eat your hearts out you lesser mortals.
>>>>>> TeaTeaFN - Tony
>>>>>> Sent with [Proton Mail](https://proton.me/) secure email.
>>>>>> ------- Original Message -------
>>>>>> On Tuesday, October 4th, 2022 at 14:05, Pat Heigham via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:
>>>>>>> Not a moan - but what's Pat wittering on about, now!
>>>>>>> Having got a Co-op offer of money off Walkers Crisps, I'm reminded that they are now 'ready salted'.
>>>>>>> Remember when Smiths crisps used to have the salt in a little blue twist of paper, then a square
>>>>>>> packet, so one could add salt or not.
>>>>>>> I hadn't seen Smiths on the shelves for ages, but here's the expanation:
>>>>>>> Smiths was later owned by biscuit company [Nabisco](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nabisco), and finally sold to American company [PepsiCo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PepsiCo) in the 1990s. Subsequently, Pepsico withdrew the brand, in favour of popular British brand [Walkers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walkers_%28snack_foods%29), which had been heavily marketed in a campaign using former England international footballer turned television presenter [Gary Lineker](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gary_Lineker). Many of the products previously owned by Smith's became labelled as Walkers, such as [Quavers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quavers).
>>>>>>> Current Smiths brands include Smiths Crisps, Frazzles, Chipsticks, Snaps and Savoury Selection (Bacon Fries and Scampi Fries).
>>>>>>> My school tuckshop stocked crisps, but the bullies used to creep up behind you and scrunch up the packet, rendering the crisps to a shower of bits.
>>>>>>> I was good at boxing but never dared retaliate, as they 'woz bigger than me'!
>>>>>>> Pat H
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