[Tech1] View - old technology and how it was used

Nick Ware waresound at msn.com
Fri Oct 7 06:32:31 CDT 2022

Nerd alert!  - - - I was never a cameraman as such, but:
‘Better’ and ‘best’ have no value if they are based only on personal preference or opinion.
Two things about the EMI 2001 set it above the rest as I see it:
1 - it was a four tube camera, the fourth being a luminance channel which, when matrixed with the heavily filtered RGB components, increased overall sensitivity and reduced chroma component noise, particularly that of the (higher gain) red channel. I remember reading about this at the time.
2 - By placing the prism assembly and tubes at the rear of the camera body and having the lens focal plane at the rear, that placed the optical axis [*] as near as dammit over the centre point of the pan-tilt head. And that meant that a pan was truly a pan, and not a swing, thus simulating more realistically a human head turn. I don’t know about you guys, but when I look to the left or right, my head and eyes stay pretty much in the same place, and that’s ideally what a camera needs to be able to do!
[*] the lens’ internal optical crossover point, typically where the iris would be.

Nick Ware - Sent from my iPad

On 7 Oct 2022, at 10:16, Alec Bray via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:

Hi all (and particularly Bernie!)

On 06/10/2022 16:30, Bernard Newnham wrote:
The Marconi was obviously the best camera by far. I said "You didn't have to operate them"!

Only read the full article later....

The author is part of Golden Age TV, who rent out working vintage equipment to media companies.  It's clear that he hasn't got a working EMI 2001 and so can't rent one out.

Perhaps if he had some working EMI 2001s his story might be different!

I left the Beeb before the advent of the EMI 2001, but from what you all have told me, I would have loved to have had a go with one!

Best regards,



Alec Bray

alec.bray.2 at gmail.com<mailto:alec.bray.2 at gmail.com>
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