[Tech1] BBC News - State Visit 1200-1230

Nick Ware waresound at msn.com
Wed Nov 23 06:16:11 CST 2022

Sometimes it’s easier to move the mountain.
No connection with Royalty, but I’m reminded of an incident that occurred on a 60 Minutes shoot. We were covering a military incident where Israeli troops and tanks were poised ready to push forward into the Gaza Strip. Standing right next to us was a very senior Israeli military gentleman. Our cameraman said to him quite casually “Such a pity the tanks aren’t coming from over there rather than where they are at the moment. Those hills would make a much better background.” Whereupon, the the order was issued for them to withdraw and come forward to suit the camera! True story.
Nick Ware - Sent from my iPad
>> Modesty prevents me from mentioning names ~ but having touched on royal connections, the King asked that the SS who did the Queen’s funeral should cover another project for which he (Charles) had already arranged dates. The unnamed individual could not accommodate the dates in question, so the King re-arranged the schedule!
>> Mike G 

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