[Tech1] Eurovision Song Contest memories

Mike Jordan mikej at bmanor.co.uk
Tue May 17 04:09:41 CDT 2022

My Song contest memories are much simpler!

For 1974, I was stationed on Radio Links outside Brighton at Plumpton Plain where we had a van and also a scaffold tower as too many bits of links kit to fit on the roof.
I seem to remember we sent pictures directly towards London and a standby route via Rowridge in Isle of Wight.
I did get a chance to visit the Dome for a look around and noticed the lighting platform with really old Strand dimmers, a small more modern one and by the side a single “Domestic” dimmer in a white plate – all there then!

Then for 1977 at Wembley Conference Centre, the link went straight to TC. Best bit there was the “after show” dinner when we all had to wear DJs – even the riggers.
I still have my pass (not posting it cos of an embarrassing photo of me centuries ago).

When will all out memories ever fade completely?

Mike Jordan
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