[Tech1] BBC Pension Scheme

Geoffrey Hawkes geoff.hawkes134 at gmail.com
Mon May 16 12:09:15 CDT 2022

When we on the Old Benefits scheme were awarded the sizeable increase on our pensions this year, while it was nice, it did make me wonder if there would be a claw back of some sort, perhaps a change in the rules about how the increases are calculated - or worse, a collapse of the fund itself. Perhaps Albert can offer a few words to alleviate such fears?
Meanwhile I think it good if anyone eligible join the BBCPA. The annual subs are modest and easily offset by taking up any of the perks, subscription to RT being a case in point, to which I as a relatively new member can testify,

> On 16 May 2022, at 15:14, crew13 via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:
> Just had a letter from the Scheme informing me the BBC is going to Court to try and clarify the interpretation of some of the rules. Digging a bit deeper it seems they want to reduce their contribution to the scheme. Apparently it will not affect those of us on the Old Scheme rules.
> Does sort of ring some alarm bells!
> I’m joining the BBCPA now!
> John V
> -- 
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